Serverless data transform with kinesis

David Smits
Published in
6 min readNov 27, 2020

Part 2 of a multi-part series around analysing Flanders’ traffic whilst leveraging the power of cloud components!

For part 1 see:

What are we trying to do here

The goal of this blog is to explore the use of Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose service to load raw streaming data events on an Amazon S3 bucket (thus creating a data lake) in a format that lends itself to efficient batch processing of those events, to allow for the analysis and visualization of the streaming data over longer time frames.

The source data used for this purpose is traffic data, pulled from an API of the governement of Flanders.
We also used this data in our blog around realtime data processing: find it here.
In this blog and the next we will use this data for processing via an ETL workflow.

Landing data on S3 with Kinesis Firehose

As previously mentioned, our goal is to store our data on an S3 bucket. Luckily, Amazon Web Services provides two managed solutions, AWS Kinesis Firehose and AWS Kinesis Data Streams, that will allow us to achieve this.

We will discuss the differences between these solutions and explain why we decided to use Kinesis Firehose.

Kinesis data streams vs Kinesis firehose

AWS Kinesis Firehose and AWS Kinesis Data Streams offer a similar yet different streaming solution to transport and transform your data.

Let’s explore the differences between these services.

Kinesis Data Streams Properties

  • Millisecond latency: used for realtime analytics and actions.
  • Order is preserved per shard.
  • Not completely serverless: you have to manage the amount of shards yourself.
  • Secure durable storage of events on the stream up to 7 days.
  • Can be digested with a Lambda function.

Data Streams are for milliseconds real-time analytics. You have to manage the shards yourself, which you can automate by using the Streams API.

The latter means that when using a Kinesis data stream, we are responsible for provisioning enough capacity on our stream via the provisioning of shards. You can find more info here.

Kinesis Firehose Properties

  • Completely serverless solution.
  • Buffer size of 1 to 128 MiBs and a buffer interval of 60 to 900 seconds.
  • Direct-to-data-store integration with S3, RedShift, ElasticSearch..
  • Can convert record format before landing them in the datastore.

Data Firehose is completely serverless and can be used for near realtime applications.

The current use case is to ingest the data and then convert it to the parquet format. Finally, to land it on an S3 bucket for further batch processing, Kinesis Firehose is the service whose properties are best suited.

If you want to further explore the differences between Firehose and Data Streams, check the FAQ's here: Firehose and Data Streams

Transform and land the data

Converting the data format

There are two main considerations which led to the choice of using the parquet file format, a columnar data storage format, for storing the data on S3.

Firstly, the parquet format provides efficient data compression, leading to a reduction of the storage that is required. The amount of storage that is saved, will especially become more noticeable as the amount of data to be stored increases.

Secondly, this format is optimized for query performance, which means that amount of data being scanned during querying will be significantly less (as compared to querying data in, e.g., the JSON format). This will result in reduced costs when the data is queried for further batch processing.

Partitioning using firehose

As mentioned directly above using Kinesis Firehose allows us to transform the format of the records to parquet before landing the data on S3.

Next, let’s look at the manner in which the data is organised on S3.

The Kinesis Data Firehose service uses a UTC time prefix (in the form of ‘YYYY/MM/DD/HH’) by default to organize data when landing it on S3. It uses keys (separated by ‘/’ in the prefix) to determine the path by which an object can be found in an S3 bucket. Note that, even though these keys give the appearance of a folder structure, the AWS S3 structure does not work with folders.

This way of organizing the data has several consequences:

  • All data is partitioned by Year, Month, Day and Hour (in that order) and Kinesis Data Firehose uses UTC time to generate the values of the partitions.
  • The UTC time values are determined by the time at which the data is processed by Kinesis Data Firehose.
  • Is is not possible to directly use event timestamps to land data in a particular partition.

To summarize, Kinesis Data Firehose uses processing time stamps to create partitions on S3 and it is not possible to utilize timestamps which derive directly from your data. In our next blog, we will explore how to repartition data on S3 in order to organize events according to timestamps which are contained within the data of the event itself.


As we just mentioned data will land on S3 in partitions named via the timestamp at which the data was processed by Kinesis. We will see in the next blog that we will refer to data in a certain partition by the name of that partition.
The Hive naming convention allows us to give our partitions a name.

Following the Hive naming convention for our partitions will allow us to give the partitions a functional name.

Here you see an example of an S3 key that follows his naming convention:


Firehose allows us to use the Hive naming convention.

As we can also see in the example above following the Hive specs the folder structure is of the format partitionkey1=partitionvalue1/partitionkey2=partitionvalue2

In the AWS console you can specify an S3 prefix for your firehose.

Here you can view this configured in the Kinesis console.

Cloudformation example

You automate all of this using cloudformation.
Writing this cloudformation template isn't obvious. Therefore we provided a repository that you can deploy on your cloud account to get started. Follow this link to find an example of how to configure this with cloudformation:


We have achieved creating a datalake on S3.
Our data lake is not yet ready to be used for analysis. We’d like to highlight the following points of attention:

  • Using the Parquet format to store the data on S3. As mentioned this format increases query performance and reduces the storage needed which results in reduced costs.
  • Partitioning of the data by Kinesis Firehose processing timestamp. Using thehive convention allows you to have named partitions.
  • You can define all the necessary cloud resources in a cloudformation template. This makes deployment of your solution to different environments a lot simpler.

As mentioned above our data is still partitioned according to processing time on kinesis instead of a timestamp coming from the data itself. Therefore our next step will be to repartition the data using a timestamp from the events themselves. This will be explored in our next blog!

Get in touch with the authors:

David Smits -Cloubis & Cloudway:

Nick van Hoof -TransIT:

