Which practices put your cloud at risk? New Whitepaper

Stuart Scott
Cloud Academy
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2018

Companies in every industry are eager to leverage the benefits of the cloud and leave data center management and legacy technologies behind.

As cost optimization and increased scale drive cloud adoption from the inside, the need to stay competitive to keep pace with market changes drives it from the outside. Within the enterprise, the rush to deliver cloud solutions quickly often results in underestimated migration timelines. This is especially true for organizations making their first migrations or teams without prior cloud migration experience.

In the push to meet business deadlines, security doesn’t often get the attention it deserves. This means that production applications and sensitive data are being deployed to meet key business milestones but without the best practice security principles and methodologies to govern these solutions. This rush to the cloud is one of the factors that make companies most vulnerable to security threats.

Which practices put your cloud at risk?

Most vulnerabilities can be traced back to a lack of understanding of cloud security and a shortage of the skills necessary to implement effective security measures.

In 2017, human error, not problems inherent in cloud technology, led to some of the year’s highest-profile data breaches. Improperly configured settings in services like Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) left millions of customer records and other sensitive data exposed. Researchers at RedLock found that 40% of organizations using cloud storage have accidentally exposed one or more of these services to the public.

40% of organizations using cloud storage have accidentally exposed one or more of these services to the public

In these instances, it’s not a failure of technology, but a lack of understanding about the importance of security and a lack of skills that put your business at risk.

In our new whitepaper, organization leaders and managers will learn the security best practices that you need to enable confidence in your cloud initiatives.

Key takeaways include:

  • The importance of a security-first culture and how to build it in your organization
  • What you need to know about the shared responsibility model for cloud security
  • Answers to some of the most urgent questions about data security in the cloud
  • A sample multi-level security architecture
  • And more

Originally published at cloudacademy.com on February 1, 2018.



Stuart Scott
Cloud Academy

AWS Content Lead @Cloud Academy - Author - AWS Certified & Accredited