Private Cloud Or In-House On-Premise Infrastructure

3 min readAug 13, 2018

Hosted Private Cloud (also called Private Cloud) is a computing instance (a form of virtualized Dedicated Server) which work inside a data center and is usually created as custom built computer to be used for a specific purpose. It could be a Business Desktop, or a server used to host any kind of business application — accouting software, collaboration application, Office application or any other app that businesses use in their office environments.

On-Premise, In-House Infrastructure are personal computers or any kind of physical servers or virtualized instances which are located inside the business office. On-Premise infrastructure has long been part of our business operations and we are familiar with the way it works, or at least it is easy for anyone to understand how it functions.

Within the last decade more and more businesses started replacing their office based On-Premise infrastructure with Privated Hosted Clouds. Why?

Private Clouds Are More Secure

Private Clouds are physically located in any data center and are hosted with any Cloud infrastructure provider (Take a look at this Cloud Hosting company, for example).

They are created, supported and operated under certain tecehnology framework and are procedures based. This means that they are more secure as their users might be given certain software framework, without the freedom to install whatever application they want. This means that any Private Clouds meant to be used for business workloads will not have software programs and apps which would risk the computing instance to be compromised.

Private Clouds usually do not have public IP address assigned, which means that they aren’t accessingle via public Internet. Custom-based policies usually apply to the Private Clodus used for office workloads. They are usually accessed from specific IP addresses, through Virtual Private Networks and also have login credentials.

The business owners can alwasy limit the download of sensible data from the Private Cloud instances used for office workloads as well.

Private Clouds Offer Agility

As long as any computing instance which can be used for multiple business purposes resides on the Cloud, it is up to the owners to decide who will access it and how it is going to be used. This also apply to moving workflows to and from the Private Cloud as well as the locations and users whould would access it.

Lower Total Cost of Ownership

The Hosted Private Clouds don’t depreciate as they are computing instances delivered from virtualized computing infrastructures. The businesses do not need to spend upfront on hardware and buy computing capacity only when they need any. The costs are operational, the business owners have a full control on them and usually can change their servie plans on monthly basis.

Natural Scalability

If any workloads need more resources those can be provisioned instantly by the Cloud Infrastructure provider. CPU, RAM and Storage can be assigned to Cloud servers of Business Desktops on the go when the users need them.

Better Support

Finally, the Private Clouds usually come with an enterprise level support and do not require companies to increse the management effort and to hire more administrators than they need. Unlike the in-house support which usually operates in the business hours, the support that Cloud Infrastructure providers offer is 24/7.

Those are just very few of the advantages that Hosted Private Clouds offer. There are many others.

