Achieving DevOps Harmony: Building and Deploying .NET Applications with AWS Services

Nithin Mohan TK
Cloud Distilled by Nithin Mohan
3 min readFeb 10, 2024


In the fast-paced world of software development, efficient and reliable CI/CD pipelines are essential. In this article, we’ll explore how to leverage AWS services — specifically AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline, and Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) — to build, test, and deploy a .NET application seamlessly. We’ll also draw comparisons with other popular tools like Azure DevOps and GitHub.

AWS Services Overview

1. AWS CodeCommit:

  • A fully managed source control service that hosts secure Git-based repositories.
  • Enables collaboration and version control for your application code.
  • Comparable to GitHub or Azure DevOps Repositories.

2. AWS CodeBuild:

  • A fully managed continuous integration service.
  • Compiles source code, runs tests, and produces deployable artifacts.
  • Similar to Azure DevOps Pipelines or GitHub Actions.

3. AWS CodePipeline:

  • A fully managed continuous delivery service.
  • Orchestrates your entire release process, from source to production.
  • Equivalent to Azure DevOps Pipelines or GitHub Actions workflows.

4. Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry):

  • A managed Docker container registry.
  • Stores, manages, and deploys Docker images.
  • Similar to Azure Container Registry or GitHub Container Registry.

Comparison Table

Example: Building and Deploying a .NET Application

Building a CI/CD pipeline for a .NET application using AWS services is a great topic for our article. Let’s break down the steps and provide example codes for each component:

1. Create a CodeCommit Repository:

  • Use AWS CodeCommit to host your .NET application code.
  • Create a new repository or use an existing one.
  • Clone the repository to your local machine.

2. Configure CodeBuild:

  • Create a CodeBuild project with a buildspec.yml file.
  • Define build commands, dependencies, and artifacts.
  • Example buildspec.yml:
version: 0.2
- dotnet restore
- dotnet build
- '**/*'

3. Create an ECR Repository:

  • Set up an ECR repository to store your Docker images.
  • Push your built .NET application image to ECR.

4. Configure CodePipeline:

  • Create a CodePipeline that integrates CodeCommit, CodeBuild, and ECR.
  • Define stages for source, build, and deployment.
  • Trigger the pipeline on code commits.
  • Here’s a sample pipeline.yml:
- stage: Source
- name: SourceAction
category: Source
owner: AWS
provider: CodeCommit
version: 1
RepositoryName: ContosoWebCommitRepo
BranchName: main
- stage: Build
- name: BuildAction
category: Build
owner: AWS
provider: CodeBuild
version: 1
ProjectName: ContosoWebBuildProject
- stage: Deploy
- name: DeployAction
category: Deploy
owner: AWS
provider: CodeDeploy
version: 1
ApplicationName: ContosoWebDeployApp
DeploymentGroupName: ContosoWebDeploymentGroup

5. Integrate with .NET Application Code:

  • Commit your .NET application code to the CodeCommit repository.
  • Trigger the CodePipeline automatically on each commit.

6. Monitor and Test:

  • Monitor the pipeline execution in the AWS Management Console.
  • Test the deployment to ensure everything works as expected.

7. Publish Docker Images to ECR:

  • In your build process, create a Docker image for your .NET application.
  • Push the image to the ECR repository.
  • Example Dockerfile:
FROM AS build
COPY . .
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out

COPY --from=build /app/out .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "ContosoWebApp.dll"]

8. Deploy to Amazon ECS:

  • Use AWS Fargate or EC2 instances to deploy your .NET application from ECR.
  • Or
  • Use Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) to deploy your .NET application.
  • Pull the Docker image from ECR and run it in ECS.


By combining AWS services, you can achieve a seamless CI/CD pipeline for your .NET applications. Whether you’re new to AWS or transitioning from other platforms, these tools provide flexibility, scalability, and security.

Remember, the journey to DevOps nirvana is about continuous learning and improvement. Happy coding! 🚀🔧📦

#AWS #DevOps #CodeCommit #CodeBuild #CodePipeline #ECR #AzureDevOps #GitHubActions #.NET



Nithin Mohan TK
Cloud Distilled by Nithin Mohan

A software engineer, web developer, cloud engineer, dev(sec)ops/SRE specialist and architect with 18+ years in Software/Product Engineering in Agile/Scrum.