CMU Week — Birthday Week!

Apr. 03 ~ Apr. 09, 2023

Sunny, Lee
Sunny’s Life in CMU 🔅
3 min readApr 9, 2023


Weekly Status:

  • Morale(1 ~ 10): 10
  • Parties and Events: 3 (Cheesecake Factory, Li’s Place, and Easter Celebration)

1. Cloud

The end of phase 2 of team project. Once again, it was really interesting, but very exhausted! We split responsibility. I was glad that I finished my part, which was relatively easy compared to other two people. Will know more later after 4-hour live test! Interesting experience anyhow 😊

2. Birthday 🥳

Thanks to all of my friends celebrating my birthday for me. I hadn’t celebrated birthday for a while, in particularly since my mother passed away. I usually felt very depressed on my birthday when I was in Taiwan, but not this year. It’s interesting how environment changed a person. It seemed that I’d been slowly disconnected from Taiwan — the emotion, the habits, the life. I gradually stopped thinking about anything in Taiwan. I still missed the food and my family. However, life had movied on. It’s still my hometown. It’s not the only place I’d go home to, but it’s a place that I could always rely on.

P.S. I was so touched that my father was the first one in the family noticed that it was my birthday and announced in the family chat group. Also, my gf’s so flexible. I don’t get why she could be flat sometimes, but hot 😍



Sunny, Lee
Sunny’s Life in CMU 🔅

CMU Master of Software Engineering student who loves outdoor activities