A Penny Saved is a Pod Earned in Deploying a Cost-Efficient EKS

Dive into the depths of deploying an AWS EKS cluster using Terraform, with tips on cost-efficiency, examples, and monitoring options.

Cloud Native Daily


A Penny Saved is a Pod Earned in Deploying a Cost-Efficient EKS

In the vast ocean of container orchestration, Kubernetes is the admiral commanding the fleets. AWS, the battleship in cloud services, offers EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service), a fully managed Kubernetes service for all those captains unwilling to get their hands dirty with the nitty-gritty of managing the orchestration platform. But even a strong fleet can run aground on the rocky shores of costs if not managed efficiently. So, what’s the solution? Terraform! The good ol’ “Infrastructure as Code” magic wand.

Today, we’re navigating the rough seas of AWS costs, guiding you towards deploying a cost-efficient EKS Kubernetes cluster using Terraform. I’ll share three practical examples, hoping they will act as trusty compasses. Anchors aweigh, let’s set sail!

Deploying a Basic EKS Cluster with Terraform

To steer this ship, you’ll need to have Terraform, AWS CLI, kubectl, and AWS IAM Authenticator installed. These tools are like your trusty crew members, each with a crucial role. Here’s how we can set up a simple EKS…



Cloud Native Daily

Lilypad Network Chief Innovation Officer | Director The Coochin Company | 30+ years Developer | 10+ years Data Analyst | 10+ years Devrel