Fullstack k8s application blog series

GitOps Architecture with GitHub Actions & ArgoCD with Slack Notifications

Chapter 4: In this blog, we will build the GitOps infrastructure for the project. We will be using GitHub actions for the continuous integration and ArgoCD for deploying the application to the Kubernetes cluster. We will also be integrating the pipeline with Slack, to notify the status.

A B Vijay Kumar
Cloud Native Daily
Published in
7 min readOct 19, 2022


GitOps Architecture

In Chapter 3, we build a Quarkus application, as you would have gone through the build and deploy process, there are a lot of steps, that we need to execute manually. It is always the best practice to automate the build and deployment (Continous Integration/Continous Deployment).

In this blog, we will go through the architecture and how we will organize the code. As we all know, on K8s and the cloud, Infrastructure is also code. So we have an Application Code, Infrastructure Code. We will be using the GitOps principles to build and deploy the application & Infrastructure.

The following picture shows the high-level GitOps architecture and flow.



A B Vijay Kumar
Cloud Native Daily

IBM Fellow, Master Inventor, Mobile, RPi & Cloud Architect & Full-Stack Programmer