Fullstack k8s application blog series

Book Library React JS Front End with Firebase Authentication Deployed on k8s, with GitOps

A B Vijay Kumar
Cloud Native Daily


Chapter 7: In this blog, we will build a ReactJS application, that will provide UI to search for books, and add them to the personal library. We will be using Firebase for authentication, and Hashicorp Vault to inject some of the secrets. We will be deploying the ReactJS application on our Kubernetes cluster, using Git Hub actions and ArgoCD.

Architectural and design decisions

The following diagram shows the design of the pages, and the components, that we will be building.

We will be building these three components, which will be rendered in the main page App.js

  • Login page (Login.js) — This component is used for both login and signup/register a user. This integrates with Firebase to create the user credentials
  • Book Search page (BookList.js) — This component is used to search for the book, In the backend, it will call book-info-service-svc Service, to fetch the book information. We will be using GraphQL to query the service.
  • Book Library page( Library.js) — This component will list all the books, that are selected by the user to be…



A B Vijay Kumar
Cloud Native Daily

IBM Fellow, Master Inventor, Mobile, RPi & Cloud Architect & Full-Stack Programmer