DevOps in Argo CD — Disaster Recovery

DevOps in Argo CD series: What is Argo CD Disaster Recovery? It’s the process of restoring your Argo CD deployment following a catastrophic event.

Cloud Native Daily


Note, full mind map is available at: “DevOps in Argo CD

Why Disaster Recovery for Argo CD?

As a DevOps engineer, it’s important to understand that Argo CD doesn’t directly interact with any databases, utilizing Redis only as a caching mechanism, giving the appearance of it being stateless. As we’ve previously discussed, it’s possible to achieve high availability installation primarily through increasing the number of replicas for each deployment.

However, Argo CD does maintain state in the form of application definitions (like the Git source and destination cluster), information for accessing a Kubernetes cluster, and details for connecting to private Git or Helm repositories. This state information for Argo CD is stored within Kubernetes resources. Some of these are native resources, such as secrets for connection details, while others are custom resources for applications and application constraints.

Unforeseen circumstances, including human actions like the deletion of the Kubernetes cluster or Argo CD…

