Swagger vs. OpenAPI: Understanding the Difference

Delve into the details and find out the key differences between Swagger and OpenAPI.

Ismail Tasdelen
Cloud Native Daily
3 min readJul 29, 2023



In the world of API development, Swagger and OpenAPI are two terms that often come up. Both Swagger and OpenAPI are widely used to define and document RESTful APIs. However, there seems to be confusion surrounding the relationship between the two. Are they the same thing, or are they different? In this blog post, we will delve into the details and clarify the difference between Swagger and OpenAPI.

  1. What is Swagger? Swagger was initially developed by Tony Tam in 2011 as an open-source framework for designing, building, and documenting RESTful APIs. It provided a way to describe APIs using a language-agnostic specification format. Swagger focused primarily on API documentation, offering a user-friendly interface for developers to explore and interact with APIs. It allowed developers to define the endpoints, request/response payloads, parameters, and more. Swagger’s popularity grew rapidly due to its ease of use and extensive tooling support.
  2. Introducing OpenAPI: OpenAPI, formerly known as Swagger Specification, is an API specification format that was donated to the OpenAPI Initiative by SmartBear Software in 2015. OpenAPI is built on the foundation of Swagger, incorporating Swagger Specification as its starting point. The OpenAPI Initiative is a collaborative project under the Linux Foundation that aims to standardize the way APIs are described. OpenAPI Specification (OAS) provides a machine-readable format to define APIs comprehensively, including details like authentication, security, error handling, and more.
  3. The Relationship: Swagger and OpenAPI are closely related, but they are not the same thing. Swagger is the predecessor to OpenAPI and refers specifically to version 2.0 of the specification. When OpenAPI Specification 3.0 was released, the term “Swagger” was phased out, and the specification became known as OpenAPI. So, OpenAPI is the current version and the successor to Swagger.
  4. Key Features of OpenAPI: OpenAPI has evolved from Swagger and offers several improvements and enhancements. Here are some key features of OpenAPI:

a. Enhanced Schema Support: OpenAPI provides a more extensive schema definition with support for advanced data types and validation.

b. Increased Flexibility: OpenAPI allows for a wider range of customization, including the ability to define callbacks, links, and parameter styles.

c. Modular and Extensible: OpenAPI supports reusable components and the ability to define complex API structures using references.

d. Improved Documentation: OpenAPI allows for richer documentation capabilities, including the ability to describe response codes, security requirements, and more.

5. Tooling and Ecosystem: Both Swagger and OpenAPI have a vibrant tooling ecosystem that supports API development and documentation. Numerous tools, libraries, and frameworks provide support for generating API documentation, client SDKs, server stubs, and testing utilities based on OpenAPI specifications.

Swagger and OpenAPI are related but distinct terms in the realm of API development. Swagger, the predecessor to OpenAPI, was a popular framework for documenting RESTful APIs. OpenAPI, the current version, is an evolved specification that provides a standardized format for describing APIs comprehensively. Understanding the difference between Swagger and OpenAPI is crucial for developers and organizations seeking to build robust and well-documented APIs. By leveraging the power of OpenAPI, developers can ensure interoperability, facilitate collaboration, and streamline the API development process.

Remember, whether you’re using Swagger or OpenAPI, the goal remains the same: to create well-defined and well-documented APIs that empower developers and foster seamless integration.




Ismail Tasdelen
Cloud Native Daily

I'm Ismail Tasdelen. I have been working in the cyber security industry for +7 years. Don't forget to follow and applaud to support my content.