Unlocking the Power of AWS Cloud Infrastructure Networking

Building a connected cloud ecosystem: Bridges for seamless connectivity

Jeyadev Narayanan
Cloud Native Daily
5 min readJun 20, 2023


Imagine yourself as an architect of a sprawling metropolis, tasked with creating a robust network of interconnected buildings. In the realm of AWS, networking forms the backbone of your cloud infrastructure, enabling seamless communication and collaboration between your resources. As a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), you hold the key to unlocking the true potential of AWS Cloud Infrastructure Networking. Fear not, for we are here to guide you through this intricate landscape and showcase its significance in building a connected cloud ecosystem.


In this guide, we will embark on a journey into the world of AWS Cloud Infrastructure Networking. But fear not, we won’t bore you with technical jargon or lengthy lectures. Instead, we’ll be your fellow architects, using relatable analogies to make your learning experience both engaging and enjoyable. So, put on your hard hat, grab your blueprint, and let’s dive into the captivating world of AWS Cloud Infrastructure Networking for SREs.

Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Networking: The Foundation of Your Digital City 🌆🌐

Imagine yourself as the city planner, laying the foundation for a vibrant and interconnected city. Cloud Infrastructure Networking acts as the framework upon which your cloud-based metropolis thrives. It enables your applications and systems to communicate, collaborate, and share resources, just like the intricate network of roads and bridges that connect various neighbourhoods.

At its core, Cloud Infrastructure Networking is all about connectivity and security. It ensures that your AWS resources can seamlessly communicate with each other, your on-premises infrastructure, and the outside world while maintaining robust security measures to protect your data and systems.


AWS Networking Services for SREs: Your Tools of Connection and Collaboration 🛠️🌐

In the vast landscape of AWS, numerous Networking Services act as your reliable tools, allowing you to establish seamless connectivity and collaboration within your cloud environment. Let’s explore a few key services that will assist you in building a connected AWS ecosystem:

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): The Secure Enclave 🔒🏢

Think of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) as the blueprint for your secure digital enclave. It provides a dedicated and isolated section of the AWS cloud where you can design and configure your own virtual network. Like sturdy buildings with robust security measures, VPC allows you to define your IP address range, subnets, and access control policies, providing a secure foundation for your applications and systems.

Within your VPC, you can create multiple subnets that act as separate neighbourhoods within your digital city. Each subnet can be associated with specific availability zones to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. You can also set up network gateways, such as Internet Gateways or Virtual Private Gateways, to establish connections between your VPC and the internet or your on-premises infrastructure.

Elastic Load Balancing: The Traffic Orchestrator 🚦⚙️

Imagine yourself as the conductor of a grand symphony, orchestrating the flow of traffic to ensure harmony and balance. Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) serves as your traffic conductor, efficiently distributing incoming requests across your AWS resources. It balances the load, optimizes performance, and enhances the availability of your applications, just like a skilled conductor ensures a flawless musical performance.

ELB comes in different flavors to suit different needs. The Classic Load Balancer (CLB) distributes traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances, providing basic load balancing functionality. The Application Load Balancer (ALB) operates at the application layer and can route requests based on content, host, or URL, making it ideal for microservices and container-based architectures. The Network Load Balancer (NLB) operates at the transport layer and is capable of handling millions of requests per second with ultra-low latency, making it suitable for high-performance applications.

Usage of AWS Networking Services for SREs: Building Bridges to Connectivity ⚡🌉

Now that we’ve introduced these essential Networking Services, let’s explore how SREs can leverage their power to optimize their AWS infrastructure. Here are some practical tips and actionable insights:

  1. Design Scalable and Resilient VPC Architecture: Employ best practices in designing your VPC architecture, such as using multiple availability zones, employing network segmentation with subnets, and implementing security measures like Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) and Security Groups. This ensures scalability, high availability, and robust security within your virtual network.
  2. Choose the Right Load Balancer: Select the appropriate Elastic Load Balancer based on your application’s needs. Whether it’s the Classic Load Balancer (CLB), Application Load Balancer (ALB), or Network Load Balancer (NLB), choose the right tool to evenly distribute traffic, optimize performance, and enhance the resilience of your applications.
  3. Leverage Transit Gateway and Direct Connect: Explore AWS Transit Gateway and Direct Connect to establish scalable and secure connections between VPCs and on-premises infrastructure. This allows for seamless integration and hybrid cloud architectures, enabling a smooth bridge between your cloud and on-premises resources.
  4. Utilize Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: Leverage AWS networking monitoring tools like VPC Flow Logs and Amazon CloudWatch to gain visibility into your network traffic, monitor performance, and detect anomalies. Analyze metrics, set up alarms, and conduct in-depth traffic analysis to optimize your network and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Remember, as an SRE, you are the architect of your cloud-based city. AWS Networking Services act as your indispensable tools, helping you build bridges of seamless connectivity and collaboration. So, put on your virtual hard hat, grab your blueprint, and construct a connected cloud ecosystem that thrives with the power of AWS Cloud Infrastructure Networking! 🔗⚡🌐

Keywords: AWS Cloud Infrastructure Networking, Cloud Infrastructure Networking, AWS Networking Services, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, VPC, Elastic Load Balancing, ELB, Cloud connectivity, Network architecture, Network security, Scalable networking, Resilient networking, Transit Gateway, Direct Connect, VPC Flow Logs, Amazon CloudWatch, Cloud infrastructure optimization, Hybrid cloud architecture, Network monitoring, Traffic analysis, Network performance, Network troubleshooting, SRE best practices, Cloud infrastructure management, AWS best practices.



Jeyadev Narayanan
Cloud Native Daily

Staff SRE, Warner Bros. Discovery | AWS | DevOps | Kubernetes | MLOps | Python Automation | Docker | IaC