Cloud Native — AWS Terraform Part: 2

Cloud Native-DevOps/DevSecOps
4 min readSep 12, 2022


In the last article I went over basic Terraform definitions. In this article I am going to explain how to setup AWS and Cloud9. After reading this article you will understand how to create a password policy, setup MFA, create a new IAM user, and setup a budget.

First sign up for an AWS free tier account using a email and password that you have not used any where else. To learn more about breach data check my article where I explained how I used haveIbeenpwned to check if a password/email was found in a known breach:

Enable MFA for the Root User

Next we want to setup a little security, navigate to IAM:

Enable MFA for root user, when enable MFA I used Microsoft Authenticator.

I opened up Microsoft Authenticator and scanned the QR code, remember MFA code 1 and code2

Create an IAM User




Written by iOS

iOS Developer, Go, Java, C#, Blockchain enthusiast, Data junkie

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