SaaS is not Simple As A Service

Cloud Products & SMEs
1 min readNov 17, 2014

7 things you should know

I’ve just seen this article: SaaS: Still Not Simple-As-A-Service from Information Week. This is a crucial information. I’ve been saying this when people ask me about SaaS ecommerce solutions. SaaS doesn’t mean Simple as a Service.

7 Important things about it you should know before putting your business on SaaS. It’s really important for your business health.

1 — You may not be the data owner

SaaS vendor usually is.

2 — You are not the security chief

SaaS vendor is.

3 — You can’t be the Product Manager

SaaS vendor is the only one who deliver features.

4 — You may not export data

SaaS software may not provide this.

5 — You don’t execute the backup routines

SaaS does this (are you sure?)

6 — You may not be able to do your own backup routine

Because you may not be able to export data to execute backup.

7 — You may not quickly migrate if your SaaS fail

It’s not your software and you just don’t change the IaaS, because your SaaS vendor runs it.



Cloud Products & SMEs

Developing and managing web and cloud products for a while. Currently into WebDev, WordPress, Mobile apps and such.. ✅