What to expect from Google I/O 2016

Kamal Puri
Next Gen Technology Insider
2 min readMay 18, 2016

Here is what we think you should expect from Google I/O 2016 today.

Bots — We are expecting Google to join the Bots party today after Microsoft and Facebook earlier this year.

Virtual Reality(VR) — Google Cardboard platform and JUMP last year and Publish for Google Street, we are expecting all this to come together this year and take a big step on virtual reality. We believe focus will be on keeping it affordable as compared to other solutions in the market (Hololens , Oculus Rift).

Andriod N — We know Andriod N will take the center stage today We already know list of new features the Andriod N preview 2.

  • Multi Screen Window — This is going to be great for tablets and landscape modes, for a variety of applications.
  • Data Saver and Doze Mode — Doze mode which was launched last year got better in Andriod N, which means its is going to put your phone in Doze mode automatically when not in use e.g. in your pocket and a bunch of new features to save data
  • Andriod Pay — We expect more announcements with Financial institutions and Bitcoin for ANdriod Pay this year, and some results of Handfree
  • Moving to OPenJDK from Java API — Knowing the situation going on with Oracle, Google will be moving to OpenJDK in Andriod N.

IoT — We think Weave and Brillo launched last year , we are expecting them to go in public beta this year. Nest booth is also expected at I/O for OpenThread. Google Eddystone and Beacon platform as well will see tracking this year.

Project Tango — We are expecting some announcements around Project Tango as well for 3D modeling.

Let’s look forward to what Google has in it’s Box to unveil today at I/O

Originally published at Next Gen Technology Insider.

