Click to Call Service Will Make You Tons of Cash. Here’s How!

Cloud Telephony Solutions
8 min readOct 14, 2022
Make money with click-to-call solutions

Nowadays, modern business enterprises prefer to invest in the most popular and upcoming technologies to stay ahead of the competition and earn more customers, leads, and business opportunities.

Click-to-call is such an effective technology that companies of all sizes and types like to adopt it to smoothen their business communication with potential customers.

Converting leads into the business through websites can be made easy with modern communication technologies. Website conversion rates improve faster with the use of click-to-call technology.

According to a report from market research company Forrester Research, business enterprises registered an average ROI surge of 143% after employing the click-to-call technology with $2.5m in extra revenue over 3 years.

Go through this content to know more about the growing impact of click-to-call services on business communication and how businesses can save more on their investment by harnessing click-to-talk technology.

What is Click-to-Call technology?

A click-to-dial solution or click-to-call service means a technology-enabled digital communication permitting callers to click a button on a website or app to connect and start a conversation with people on the other end.

In a given business environment, a click-to-call solution helps you connect to a business representative in real time. It makes you feel free from the tension of dialing a phone number physically.

There are lots of companies in India that offer digital communication facilities to business organizations interested in making their communication process easy and simple.

Companies need application programming interfaces (APIs) to implement a click-to-call button in websites and apps.

The customer support team uses this feature to respond to the calls of their potential customers. Customers receive calls from the company after they share their contact details on online portals.

Effectiveness of Click-to-Call

Click-to-call technology has been extremely effective for business enterprises of all sizes. Moreover, it also impacts sales ROI. A report from Forrester shows that click-to-dial can increase ROI by an average of 143%.

A large number of companies are planning to make the most out of the technology so that their representatives can automatically dial numbers through their browsers.

Look at click-to-call usage studied by eConsultancy, a digital marketing firm, across many industries. Here comes the percentage of respondents needed to call companies across industries:

  • Automotive — 42%
  • Hospitality — 27%
  • Local services — 63%
  • Tech businesses — 38%
  • Travel — 36%

Both B2B and B2C companies are exploiting the click-to-call technology to connect their prospective customers to sales representatives in real-time. It is a fact that B2B buyers look for answers to many questions before making an actual purchase.

Expert data available online displays that click-to-call rates are four times better than online conversion rates. In addition, the average conversion rate of a click-bound call is between 5% and 25% across every industry.

In the past few years, click-to-call commerce has generated more than $1 trillion (US Dollars) in sales. This number is about to grow at a higher pace in the coming years.

Places Your Customers Want to Use Click to Call

Undoubtedly, mobile searches have surpassed desktop searches in the past decade. According to research by Statista, the number of smartphone users in India was about over 748 million in 2020.

It is estimated that the number of smartphone users will exceed 1.5 billion users globally in 2040. Mobile users are using their smartphones for making phone calls and surfing the web.

Gone are the days when mobile users dialed phone numbers to make a phone call. Today, a simple click-to-button dials your choice number and connects you to the person on the other side.

Now, place a call with just one click. Now, business enterprises also smell an opportunity to communicate with their target audience utilizing fast-surging technology.

A Forrester research brief displays that companies can utilize click-to-call to see a 10% boost in inbound calls.

It means companies can use this technology as a weapon to increase their call volume and make their audience feel comfortable. Look at some places where you should use this technology for better outcomes.


Modern mobile optimized websites cater to different business needs in terms of design, navigation, and functionality to a tiny screen.

Using click to call button on websites empowers customers to talk to business representatives directly. This feature makes customers free from the tension of searching for mobile numbers.


People open about 53% of emails on mobile. So, mobile-email optimization can do wonders for companies.

As more than half of emails are viewed on handheld devices with call capabilities, companies can expect a good response from their audience if they include a call-to-action button with mobile emails.


These days, mobile paid search results are dominating the top spot on search engine result pages. So, companies offering their ads with a click-to-call button are likely to get the best response.

A few Google reports reveal that advertisements with a phone number are likely to get 8% higher click-through rates.

This feature gives more credibility to businesses and connects you with customers fast while researching products, checking services, or planning to make a purchase.

You can also send pay-per-clicks to a live person or a landing page.

Facebook Ads

Nowadays, Facebook Ads are a great way to solve new local awareness objectives.

Here adding a “call now” button to Facebook ads of local businesses can allow customers to call the business right from their newsfeed.

This feature enables customers to make a call without going to the Facebook page and looking for phone numbers.

Organic Search

Recently Google announced the testing of click-to-call in organic search results.

It means mobile searchers will get clickable phone numbers in the organic search.

Now marketers will get a pretty exciting time to enhance their marketing channels and get their audience fast.

Mobile Content Assets

With the growing number of mobile users, there is no dearth of content readable on mobile. If your content is interesting, your readers will definitely like to get in touch with you.

Adding a nice call-to-action button at the end of posts will let your readers call you and share their interests concerning the published post.

Directory Listings

When you have shared your business information on directory listings, why don’t you give your potential customers a chance to connect with you effortlessly?

Click-to-call option on directory listings aids you to call customers who are looking for alternatives to make reservations, get instructions, or ask a quick question.

Business Apps

All businesses don’t have apps. But businesses with the unique apps can make a big difference in the way they communicate with their potential audience.

Apps that need users to log in can add a call button on their pillar page so that customers can connect with you easily.

Placing the right click-to-call button on all these places helps companies save millions of bucks that they are supposed to invest in big marketing programs that may or may not overcome the real expectations of the investors.

What are the benefits of click-to-call?

Customer communication has never been the same since click-to-call technology came into existence.

Now customers can contact any business organization through websites and it will ultimately increase better conversions and customer satisfaction with exceptional customer service.

When it comes to benefiting businesses, the following five ways will do things better with click-to-call services or solutions.

Enhance customer segmentation and engagement

Targeting the right customer at the right time is very important.

You can easily dial a regular telephone number, but click-to-call services take things ahead and let you intelligently segment your customers.

‍Intelligent engagement helps you optimize proactive contact.

When you can get this feature embedded in your website, you would be able to get direct calls from certain web pages. ‍

Intelligent engagement helps you optimize proactive contact. So, the click-to-call technology is the ultimate funnel optimization tool.

Enhanced customer contact and conversions

Marketers can smartly use the click-to-call option as a very effective tool for interacting with customers.

Online reports on marketing investment show that about 88% of customers prefer to initiate contact if they get click-to-call alternatives on a website. It enables more contacts, more conversion, and faster and more effective communication.

With a friendly call, you can solve problems of convincing undecided customers. In addition, calls allow your agents to do their jobs, help customers, and sell services and products.

Depending on the industry type, click-to-call interactions ensure a conversion rate of 5%-25%. Moreover, this rate is four times higher than actual online conversions.

Get more communication options beyond voice

‍Businesses communicating with their clients with a traditional phone call are restricted to just a voice interaction.

On the other hand, a fully web-based, click-to-call solution easily escalates to other communication channels like live chat, video call, or co-browsing. This transition allows agents to

  • offer the best customer service
  • ensure the superior customer experience
  • increase first-time resolution rates
  • get more conversions
  • deliver higher customer satisfaction

Interestingly, these contact channels can effectively transform your customer journey. It is a two-way communication channel where customers contact you first through your website using a simple click.

After this, you can also escalate other contact channels, embedded with just one simple click.

Better savings with increased returns

‍There is a long list of benefits that businesses can ensure, including many monetary benefits. They can secure these monetary benefits with click-to-call technology.

Making web calls are cheaper than making phone calls as it keeps you free from paying for a traditional phone line or bearing associated toll charges. International customers will find this technology cheaper when it comes to getting connected with you.

We have already read about getting a very high Return on Investment (ROI) using the technology. Forrester Research has already shown that the technology enhances ROI by 143% on average.

Interestingly, this click button is for all customers who can interact anytime and anywhere without paying any sort of global calling charges.

Collect more customer journey data

‍It is quite easy to track click-to-call interactions than track phone calls when it comes to knowing web page customers.

Gathering data from this page can be powerful for the mapping of customer journeys and empowering agents.

Customer journey mapping will highlight sticking points on your website. Your agents can be more effective and productive if you gather more data.

When you have a click-to-call service option, agents can see the right web page from where customers are calling from. It will also help you know how to solve customers’ problems.


With the mentioned-above discussion, it is clear that a click-to-call service helps business enterprises make tons of cash and save more on their communication technology investment.

The click-to-call technology is modern and it has very high effectiveness in different industries. Businesses can play smart and use the call now button on websites, apps, Facebook Ads, PPC, and many more places.

Overall, there are many benefits of a click-to-call service that will add more cash to your kitty if you know how to get the most out of the technology.

You can take timely assistance and guidance from click-to-call service providers on how to harness the technology to make more money.



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