Why Data Rights become a Supreme Priority of People?

Phani Sai Ram Munipalli
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2021

Do you know what is the most valuable asset a human can have today in the world? It is not money, not gold, no one can touch it or feel it yet powerful which is “The Data”. Yes! the every growing data of people about their behaviour is the important asset that every business wants to lay their hands on. The world’s data will grow from about 29 zettabytes (ZB) in 2018 to 175 ZB by 2025, a growth rate of 66% per year. Every one of us contributing to this data but the question is how much of your personal data is owned by you? Are you aware of the tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and many more companies have data points on you like what clothes you like and when do you buy online and what you search on the internet, etc.., By this time at least you might have seen that some of your searched products on Google can be found on your Facebook and Instagram timelines or inside any other websites you visit later part of the day. Nothing was by accident because every activity you perform on the internet is watched closely by the people on another side. Moreover, that was designed exclusively for you and it will never match with any second person as all kinds of the news feed you go through will fight for your attention to understand you better day by day. In fact, they all try to alter your behaviour as they know you better than yourself.

Even though it was late to understand what is what and why is something unusual happening but it’s high time to know about data rights and you must be the owner of your data and not any other company. There were many incidents of data privacy violations that were huge in impact and size. It is all about awareness that has to be brought into the light to let people understand what actually are data rights and why are they important in this hour. You should start asking the strangers who call you over the phone that how did they get your personal mobile number and try to get answers from them, you will be surprised. Your data will be sold for a price that you cannot imagine, the internet is not what you see and not what it was once. Every nation needs to focus on the data rights of its people without leaving them to the tech giants.

The popular ‘Cambridge Analytica scandal’ had shocked everyone in the world that how Facebook was involved in data mining and how it was being sold to businesses. By that time people were not aware of what had happened and that was a moment where data became powerful with the altitude of impacting the US elections 2016. There were many incidents that brought out how data played a key role in changing the dynamics of different nations. Recently the WhatsApp privacy policy once again created chaos in the world by trying to share a few of the conversations with business with its parent company ‘Facebook’ but people were worried about their personal data and conversations with friends and family. Then the company extended its the deadline to May 15th, 2021 from Feb 8th, 2021 to allow people to understand what was being changed in their privacy policy.

cambridge-analytica scandal

It is good that people started observing what was being shared through their apps on mobile and this has to be continued with every application where we are interacting and sharing our data. The internet has evolved a lot but it should not possess the power to manipulate people not only based on their data but not in any format. You can go through the top data breaches that happened in history here — “Top 5 Biggest Data Breaches in the World” and please understand more on why data rights are human rights. Please keep sharing with your friends and family about the important information that can keep all secure and safe on the internet.



Phani Sai Ram Munipalli

Product Manager | SJSU | 4 Years with IBM & Walmart | Driven by Tech & People | Believer of Stories that Unite People.