UKG Ready TimeClock Comparison: Intouch DX VS Intouch 9000 VS 9100

Shaon Shahnewaz
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2024

It can be hard to figure out which time clock method is best for your UKG Pro environment. UKG has three main types of hardware: the InTouch DX, the 9000, and the 9100. Each one meets a different set of needs, but their similarities and differences can make things confusing. This piece breaks down each choice, showing their pros and cons, and then introduces CloudApper AI TimeClock as a possible future-proof option.

Understanding UKG Ready TimeClocks

InTouch DX

  • Touchless ID: Features facial recognition and other touchless options for hygienic clock-in/out.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Employees can clock in using their smartphones, offering remote work flexibility.
  • Offline Functionality: Operates even without internet connection, ensuring uninterrupted recording.
  • Customization: Offers some level of customization for workflows and data capture.
  • Hardware Costs: Requires upfront investment in dedicated time clock devices.
  • Limited Scalability: Scaling hardware infrastructure can be challenging for growing businesses.
  • Basic Functionality: Lacks advanced AI features and comprehensive analytics.

InTouch 9000

  • Cost-Effective: Affordable option with basic timekeeping functionalities.
  • Fingerprint Scanning: Traditional fingerprint reader for employee identification.
  • Network Connectivity: Requires wired network connection, limiting placement flexibility.
  • Limited Features: Lacks advanced functionalities like mobile clock-in and touchless options.
  • Manual Data Entry: Relies heavily on manual data entry for reports and adjustments.
  • Outdated Technology: Uses older technology, potentially less reliable and secure.

InTouch 9100

  • Fingerprint and PIN Access: Offers fingerprint and PIN options for employee identification.
  • Web-Based Interface: Allows configuration and management through a web browser.
  • Ethernet or Wi-Fi: Connects via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, providing more placement flexibility.
  • Basic Reporting: Generates basic attendance reports but lacks advanced analytics.
  • Manual Data Entry: Requires manual data entry for tasks like generating reports and managing schedules.
  • Limited Customization: Offers minimal customization options compared to newer models.

The CloudApper Advantage

CloudApper AI TimeClock emerges as a compelling alternative, exceeding the limitations of UKG’s hardware-based solutions. Here’s why:

  • Cost-Effective: Leverages existing tablets instead of dedicated hardware, minimizing upfront costs.
  • Highly Scalable: Cloud-based solution easily scales to accommodate business growth without infrastructure investment.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrates seamlessly with UKG Pro and various HR/payroll systems, eliminating data silos.
  • AI-Powered Insights: Analyzes attendance patterns, identifies compliance risks, and optimizes engagement based on real-time employee feedback data.
  • Automated Tasks: Automates manual tasks like scheduling, leave requests, and data entry, saving HR time.
  • Employee Self-Service: Employees have real-time access to timecards, paystubs, and schedules, fostering transparency and ownership.
  • AI-Powered HR Assistant: Answers employee questions and addresses concerns promptly, improving communication and engagement.
  • Advanced Features: Offers facial recognition, geofencing, and various clock-in options for ultimate flexibility.
  • Holistic HR Suite: CloudApper hrPad, which includes AI TimeClock, offers additional features like AI-powered recruitment, onboarding, and engagement tools.

Beyond Time Tracking

CloudApper does more than just keep track of time. It also provides a complete HR solution that helps companies find and keep great employees, manage their work better, and build a positive business culture.

Choosing the Right Solution

The best choice depends on your specific needs and priorities. Consider these factors:

  • Organization size and complexity: For larger organizations with complex needs, CloudApper offers superior scalability and advanced features.
  • Budget: CloudApper’s subscription model eliminates upfront hardware costs, making it attractive for budget-conscious businesses.
  • Desired level of automation and AI insights: If you seek advanced automation, data-driven decision making, and a truly modern experience, CloudApper stands out.
  • Employee experience: CloudApper’s focus on employee self-service and engagement can boost morale and productivity.


While UKG’s Ready TimeClocks can do basic things, their limits on scalability, automation, and user experience could make it harder for your business to grow and keep employees happy in the long run. CloudApper AI TimeClock is a future-proof alternative that gives employees more power, improves processes, and gives useful insights. It is also cost-effective, scalable, and powered by AI. Remember that putting money into the right HR solutions now can give your employees more power and get your business ready for the future of work. You can make sure your company does well in a world that is always changing by putting an emphasis on data-driven decision-making, engaged employees, and a flexible but safe workplace.

Ready to explore a smarter approach to time tracking and HR?

Go to CloudApper’s website to find out more about AI TimeClock and how it can help your company handle time better, make HR tasks easier, and allow your business to grow. Don’t forget that the future is already here, and CloudApper can help you feel good about it.




Shaon Shahnewaz
Editor for

Shaon Shahnewaz is a digital marketer, tech enthusiast & blogger who enjoys reading & spending time with his kid.