Case Study: How Starbucks and Odyssey are Transforming the Coffee Industry with NFTs

Cloud Castles
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2023

The world has seen a rapid adoption of web3 technologies, and businesses have started to notice the opportunities that come with this change of paradigm. The latest to jump on the bandwagon is Starbucks, which has launched its own non-fungible token (NFT) rewards program called Odyssey.

In this article, we’ll go review the world’s most famous coffee company’s NFT strategy and how it works. At Cloud Castles, we are following a similar plan to use NFTs to represent ownership of in-game items, such as creatures, cosmetics, and character equipment.

Drink-to-Earn? Odyssey Rewards Starbucks Customers for Drinking Coffee

The concept of Odyssey is fairly simple.

Starbucks customers will be able to earn digital collectible assets, known as NFTs, by making purchases at the coffee chain’s stores. These tokens will be stored in their own personal digital wallets, and able to be redeemed for a range of rewards, such as free drinks or exclusive Starbucks merchandise.

Why NFTs?

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets that are verified, stored, and traded on a blockchain network, making them rare and valuable, but most importantly, unique.

Usually in the web3 ecosystem, NFTs are used to represent ownership of different assets and media of different domains, from forms of art like music or illustrations to real-world property. Now, Starbucks is implementing them in their rewards program.

The value of NFTs comes from their scarcity and their ability to be traded or sold on a decentralized platform while still being linked with the ownership of another asset, opening up a new world of possibilities for businesses and consumers alike.

In other words, they can make illiquid assets extremely liquid.

Pioneering Web3 Integration in Traditional Markets

By launching Odyssey, Starbucks is paving the way for other consumer industries to integrate web3 technologies into their business processes, just like it has done with this new rewards program.

The benefits for businesses who dare to follow Starbucks’ example are clear.

Firstly they would be able to create more engaging and personalized experiences that incentivize customers to keep coming back. NFTs are unique and can be customized, which means that businesses can offer rewards that are tailored to their customers’ interests and preferences.

Secondly, by increasing customer loyalty and retention. Customers who hold valuable NFTs are more likely to continue engaging with a business in order to maintain their collection or increase its value. They themselves become invested in the company. This can create a positive feedback loop where customers become more loyal to a brand as they collect its NFTs.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, web3 technologies can create new revenue streams for businesses. By allowing customers to trade or sell their NFTs on decentralized platforms, businesses can tap into a new economy that is powered by blockchain technology. Even more so, NFTs can be programmed to pay royalties to its creator every time they are exchanged.

In other words, if companies are able to build a community around their collectibles, they could earn additional revenue every time their owners sell it in the open market.

Can Odyssey Mark the Start of a New Dynamic?

The launch of Odyssey is a significant step for Starbucks and the broader consumer industry. It shows that businesses — more importantly, industry leaders — are starting to recognize the potential of web3 technologies and are willing to invest in them to create more engaging and personalized experiences for their customers.

As the technology evolves and becomes more widely adopted, we can expect to see more businesses embrace NFTs and other web3 technologies in their internal processes and overall strategy.

Starbucks’ NFT rewards program, Odyssey is a significant development in the adoption of web3 technologies by businesses and, hopefully, only the beginning of a trend. One where companies provide their customers with more engaging experiences and reward them with personalized assets.

This type of solutions can be applied in virtually every sector, like clothing, travel or — as Cloud Castles is doing — gaming.

Just like Starbucks, Cloud Castles is integrating web3 technologies to create innovative experiences and solutions for the gaming industry. Cloud Castles, the first title of the studio, uses NFTs to represent ownership of in-game items, such as creatures, cosmetics, and character equipment.

Starbucks is leading the way in creating a more engaging and loyal customer base while also tapping into a new economy that is powered by blockchain technology. Now, the question that remains is: who will be next?

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Cloud Castles

Cloud Castles is an Action-Strategy game where players will collect and evolve fantasy creatures. Built on Unreal Engine 5 and Web3 Blockchain technology.