Better than Bitcoin: CloudCoin launches in Beta the automated exchange

Adrian Niculescu
5 min readFeb 21, 2018


The beginning of 2018 brings a major leap in the development of CloudCoin — one of the most innovating projects in the digital currency space, the launch in Beta of the automated exchange The digital currency CloudCoin runs on RAIDA, the only functional alternative to Blockchain solving three major problems faced today by the Bitcoin users:

1. CloudCoin transactions are 100% anonymous compared with Bitcoin ones where all the transactions can be tracked via the public ledger.

2. CloudCoin transactions are instant, compared with Bitcoin ones which can take hours and even days to be confirmed by the network;

3. RAIDA is fully scalable where scaling Blockchain is like wanting to build a Tesla car on the chassis of a car from the ‘90.

Since the beginning of the early adoption in March, thousands of people from all around the world were exposed to the technology and also had the opportunity to become owners of CloudCoins. And many of them expressed interest to start trading their CloudCoins which helps the liquidity of the digital currency and leads to an increased market value for CloudCoins.

The scientists, programmers and marketers from CloudCoin Consortium worked together around the clock to put together the first peer to peer exchange — where everybody who owns CloudCoins can start selling or buying even more CloudCoins. The peer to peer website is also open for the ones who don’t own CloudCoins yet — the first time buyers. They also have the possibility to acquire CloudCoins from the previous launched marketplaces and The big difference is that the sellers from the two early launched marketplaces where only the members of CloudCoinConsortium and now everybody can start an account on The peer to peer CloudCoin exchange is really open for everybody.

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I will describe here very simple the procedure to start using the peer to peer CloudCoin exchange.

  1. First go to and click on the “Login” tab — upper right corner and will be opened this window.

2. Because you don’t have an account yet, click “Create an account” and you will be taken to the page below where you will be required to enter your e-mail address, password, alias (or username) and country. The new accounts are approved in 24 hrs and you may receive supplementary questions from one of the admins as the purpose of the peer to peer exchange is to be a safe place both for buyers and sellers. Every effort is made for this marketplace to be as free as possible from hackers and trolls as they tend to be all over the internet and pollute the digital currency space.

3. When you account is approved you will receive a notification on your e-mail so you can login. First, you can view the offers from the other sellers if you are fancy buying. Browse through the offers, contact the sellers and start to negociate or just look at the profile of the seller. There are two types of sellers: trusted and regular. The trusted sellers are the Consortium members and also the ones who conducted already a lot of deals. The reality is that over time any regular seller can become a trusted seller. When you are dealing with trusted sellers you will not have any worries because you will be in safe hands. When you are dealing with the regular sellers you just need to be more careful because they are not verified in detail but in most cases everything will be great. As the exchange is very new most of the sellers are regular sellers. If you click “Buy Now” a promise for the sale will be created between you as a buyer and the seller and after that you will communicate with the seller about the payment and CloudCoins delivery for the satisfaction of both parts. At the end of any transaction both sellers and buyers can be rated. is a peer to peer exchange so CloudCoinConsortium doesn’t handle any payment between the buyers and the sellers.

4. If you want to place a sell offer so other buyers to contact you and also buy from you please go to “Sell Coins”. A new window will open and you will be able to add the number of CloudCoins you want to sell, the sale price and the methods of payment accepted. For the moment, any account can have one sell order opened and it has to be approved by an admin before going live. After 10 sales offers completed you will be able to post instantly new sell orders without them having to wait for the approval. is open 24 hrs, +200 of accounts were opened in the first two days and it is one of the resources which will contribute to the success of the project. CloudCoin is here to stay, it is a multinational effort to develop the perfect currency. More info about CloudCoin here:



Adrian Niculescu

Digital Assets Investment Banker| Speaker | Investor | Online and Real Estate Entrepreneur | Music Producer