CloudCoin FAQs

Anthony Trucano
2 min readSep 6, 2022

There seems to be some confusion as to some of the changes that have been made with CloudCoin in 2022. With the exchange listing on BitMart, I felt it necessary to clear some things up:

What is the official ticker symbol for CloudCoin?
CloudCoin’s official symbol is (CC). In the past, CloudCoin was integrated with the Ethereum Blockchain and listed on some exchanges as (CCE); however, CloudCoin now goes by its ticker (CC) in its native listing with BitMart and in future exchange listings.

What is the Total Supply of CloudCoin?
The total supply of Cloudcoin is 16,777,216.

What is the Circulating Supply of CloudCoin?
All CloudCoins are in circulation. The circulating supply of CloudCoin is 16,777,216.

Why did the Total Supply and Circulating Supply of CloudCoin change?
With the upgrade to CloudCoin 2.0 (now called “CloudCoin”), old CloudCoins (called “Legacy CloudCoins”) can be exchanged at an 85.125:1 ratio. This change was necessary so as to remove denominations from CloudCoin and increase transaction speed and volume.

Is there a Maximum Supply of CloudCoin?
No. CloudCoins can be split, increasing the supply by multiples. There is no inflation as there is no mining of CloudCoins. Splitting the supply of CloudCoins requires a consensus among RAIDA Administrators.

What are the official websites of CloudCoin?
You can find official information about CloudCoin at and

Where can I find the official whitepaper?

How can I join the CloudCoin discussion?
Join the CloudCoin World link on Telegram:

