How to trade CloudCoins on Bitshares in 5 easy steps

Adrian Niculescu
3 min readSep 21, 2018

A very important event has happened at the beginning of September and I am very happy to share it with you here: the trades for CloudCoin, a revolutionary non-blockchain, non-crypto digital currency have started via BitShares, the world’s most advanced decentralized currency exchange.

This is a very important step in the evolution of the whole CloudCoin project mainly because it opens the “floodgates” between the proprietary RAIDA technology and Blockchain.

Basically, starting this month and due to the integration with Bitshares, CloudCoin can be listed on all exchanges supporting cryptocurrencies which is something big. More, while on the business side of things Blockchain is the dominant technology today, Raida Tech - the company owning the RAIDA technology is about to launch multiple new product lines that are totally
disruptive to the Blockchain world.

And even more beyond that this will also allow many Blockchain based tech startups to adopt RAIDA in their projects being proved already that RAIDA is faster than VISA and much faster than Blockchain, it is more scalable than Blockchain and the transactions processed via RAIDA are 100% anonymous, not being available on a private ledger.

I’ve laid down 5 easy steps you can use right away to trade CloudCoins on Bitshares:

  1. If you don’t own CloudCoins yet you can become an early adopter by purchasing them from the peer-to-peer marketplaces and which host dozens of trusted sellers. There are various payment methods available, sellers from different countries and the deals are 100% completed.
  2. Next, you need a Bitshares account and Wallet — create one here! When you open a Bitshares account you will not need an e-mail address, just you will have to choose a username and a password. Be very careful with the password and store it somewhere safe and even print it because without it you will not be able to access the funds deposited in the Exchange.
  3. Once you own CloudCoins, please watch this video to understand how to exchange CloudCoins for Bitshares CloudCoin tokens to start trading them.

4. For the moment the only pair available is CLOUDCOIN — BTS meaning that you can sell CloudCoins for BTS (Bitshares). You can add a sell order for CloudCoins at the current price available in that moment, based on the latest trades which is floating and also add sell orders at higher and lower prices which will be executed when and if CloudCoin will reach those levels.

CLOUDCOIN/ BTS trading pair on Bitshares

Once you sell CloudCoins (CLOUDCOIN — this is the symbol listed on Bitshares for CloudCoin) for BTS you are able to exchange for Bitcoin (BTC), Etherium (ETH), Gold, Usd and others. One question received very often is how to convert CloudCoins to cash. The faster ways are either to send BTC to an exchange where you can sell BTC for fiat money and where you are already KYC verified and have attached a bank account and a card or use a card like Viabuy — order one here with instant loads via BTC. BTC still has around 50% of the market but somehow it is like Myspace before Facebook so you know what I mean.

5. If you already own a Bitshares account and you have in the balance BTC, ETH or others you can sell them for BTS and add a buy order for CLOUDCOIN at the price available in that moment, a higher or a lower one and also learn how to exchange Bitshares CloudCoin tokens for CloudCoins to witness the power of RAIDA and diversify your portofolio by watching this video:

Next, for more information go to CloudCoin Consortium’s main website and also join the thriving Telegram Community.



Adrian Niculescu

Digital Assets Investment Banker| Speaker | Investor | Online and Real Estate Entrepreneur | Music Producer