Status of CloudCoin Consortium and RAIDA Tech — an important message from Sean Worthington

Adrian Niculescu
4 min readNov 10, 2018

There has been a great storm of fire here where I live.

The home of my mother and over 7000 other buildings have burnt to the ground. The homes of former CloudCoin Consortium RAIDA Admins, and Programmers have burnt too but luckily no current members or employees have been directly affected. With the exception of Chris who manages the client software. He will need to take a week or two off.

The grocery stores, gas stations, mall, and commercial areas have burnt. The high school I graduated from as well as all other schools have burnt. The police station and fire stations have burnt. The town hall has burnt.

The telephone polls and cable and cellular infrastructure have burnt. Hundreds of burnt cars litter the roads.

The fire came within two miles of my house and we had to evacuate. The firefighters were able to stop the fire and we are back in our home but the sky is black and we must all sit in one room with an air filter because the smoke is so thick. The winds are picking up and our house is in danger again. We have filled our cars with all our valuables and can leave at an instant.

I am certain that there are hundreds of people who have died because so many people decided not to evacuate. Animals are flooding out of the canyons. I have set up food and water for them.

It is almost as if we were hit by a nuclear weapon. I have not heard of any fires that have done so much damage.

There is a silver lining, however. As you probably know I am the CEO of both the CloudCoin Consortium and the new RAIDA Tech company. The global structure of these projects has proved itself to be resilient.

The CloudCoin Consortium has over 60 members and 6 of them live in Butte County. They are all safe and in their homes. Most of them were in Las Vegas for the Anit-Counterfeit and Currency Expo during the first day of the fire and we all had to leave early to hurry home.

RAIDA Tech has about 15 developers and only three of them live in Butte County. RAIDA tech has three developers in Russia, 1 in Canada, 1 in Australia, 3 in India, 1 in Argentina, 1 in Japan and others scattered all around the world.

Through the fires, the RAIDA had been up 100% of the time as expected because it has no systemic risk.

Testing of the new Sentinel / Detection Agent software was completed successfully. We now just need to decide on hardware. Because of the fires, I have decided to go with a smaller (portable) form factor and add a battery backup. I also want to make it so the Detection Agents can use cell phones.

A Battery + The New Mobile Detection Agent using an ASUS Tinkerboard and a Smartphone

Unfortunately, the manager of the client software (Chris Montgomery) has been affected and will take a week or to off of work. However, I have just launched a new architecture that is designed so that many programmers can work at it all at one time and they can each manage themselves. This is a new type of development that I have just invented. I call it “Servant Based Architecture” and it is created just for a distributed organization such as ours. And I have launched the new “Two Month Plan”. I want the advanced client with all the new features done in two months. and I think we can do it. The features include theft and loss resistance, peer to peer transfers, international languages and much much more.

Our bank server does not seem to work exactly as planned on our production server and must be moved or fixed. Once that is done we can move forward with XYZ buys accepting payments.

At the Anti-Counterfeit and Currency Expo we met lots of people who can help us with sales and marketing. We also made a large number of contacts with people who were interested in working with us. I am now following up with these companies. So the marketing of RAIDA Tech is going forward.

I have been invited to speak at a global conference of central banks. This conference is to be held in Athens. I will speak on the future of currency. I will bring a team of sales people and we will get them to hire RAIDA Tech to create experiments for digital money. We will charge them only $1 million. They can afford it and they cannot afford not to do it.

Everything is moving forward and because of the fire, we are becoming even more risk-proof. My back is doing well and in spite of the massive devastation, I am very optimistic. I am working even harder now and enjoying it. The programmers are becoming more competent and self-reliant.

I am, however, making plans to move. Probably to Naperville Illinois or Meridian Idaho. California is becoming a hell.





Adrian Niculescu

🚀 Digital Alchemist | Blockchain Maestro | Web 3.0 Visionary 🌐 | Real Estate Maverick | Music Producer 🎧 | Keynote Sorcerer 🔮