An introduction to Cloudera’s Datalennials

University Recruiting
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2016

The University Recruiting program at Cloudera just got a facelift. We recognize that the best and brightest minds come from near and far, and that “fresh eyes” are crucial to fostering the environment that drives innovation and open source technology. Our interns have a huge impact on the projects at Cloudera, and that impact reaches far beyond the company level.

This season, we are tackling problems that are “Bigger than Ourselves,” and we mean it in lots of ways. We are here to offer new perspectives, make an impact, and to disrupt things (ordo ab chao! — order out of chaos). From social justice to climate change, cyber security to government intelligence, we are deeply involved in important and relevant open source projects. We are part of the millennial generation that is transforming Big Data, not just using it every day. We are Cloudera’s Datalennials.

As a Datalennial, you can expect a few different things during your time here: you will meet the executives, co-founders and top technical leaders, and you will teach them a thing or two. You’ll meet investors and influential partners like Accel, you’ll work side-by-side on relevant projects with some of the most experienced in Big Data/Hadoop, and you will be dragged to baseball games with the rest of the squad. There’s other stuff, too, but you’ll have to come see for yourself.

Here are of some projects we were deeply involved with last season:

● Apache Spark / Apache Avro integration

● Fine-grained diagnostics for Apache Oozie, Impala, and Apache HBase

● Apache Sqoop2 on Apache Spark

● Tooling (SparkAid) for performance and productivity on Apache Spark

● Tooling (Spark Timeseries) for robust time-series analysis on Apache Spark

● Incremental Metadata Extraction & Metadata Analytics for Cloudera Navigator

● Generalization of Spark-Client module in Hive repository

We invite you to read future blog posts about why the Datalennials at Cloudera are one of the most important teams in the office(s), and why a lot of them keep coming back for more.



University Recruiting

Cloudera’s Datalennials share their experiences & what they’ve learned. Visit us @Cloudera for corporate news.