Hadoop as a Game Changer in Financial Services

Mihaela Risca
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2016

As big data becomes more strategic to the business, the complexity and scale of projects are growing, but so are the benefits to the business. A typical big data journey for customers in Financial Services starts with a technical use case related to cost savings. By adding self-service analytics, the usage explodes across business unit end-users. We have seen many existing customers expanding the Hadoop cluster to add more use cases, some that are mission critical: compliance, fraud management, risk management. An emerging use case is cybersecurity, where data aggregation coupled with machine learning is creating a more proactive stance in threat mitigation.

Financial Services are always pushing the envelope with use cases that are both interesting and challenging. To use a phrase from one of the sessions, Hadoop and big data/analytics are becoming game changers.

This year, the Strata + Hadoop World NYC conference reflects the maturity of the technology with many sessions that are very relevant to Financial Services:

A unified ecosystem for market data visualization
Janaki Parameswaran (FINRA), Kishore Ramachandran (FINRA)
2:05pm–2:45pm Wednesday, 09/28/2016

How a Spark-based feature store can accelerate big data adoption in financial services
Kaushik Deka (Novantas), Phil Jarymiszyn (Novantas)
2:55pm–3:35pm Wednesday, 09/28/2016

Why is this disruption different from all other disruptions? Hadoop as a game changer in financial services
Panel featuring FirstMark Capital, Credit Suisse, Pershing LLC (Bank of New York Mellon), sponsored by Arcadia Data.
5:25pm–6:05pm Wednesday, 09/28/2016

Hadoop and Spark at ING: An overview of the architecture, security, and business cases at a large international bank
Bas Geerdink (ING)
5:25pm–6:05pm Wednesday, 09/28/2016

Big data governance: Making big data an enterprise-class citizen
Michael Eacrett (SAP)
1:15pm–1:55pm Thursday, 09/29/2016

Apache Spark in fintech: Building fraud detection applications with distributed machine learning at Intel — Yuhao Yang (Intel)
1:15pm–1:55pm Thursday, 09/29/2016

Machine Learning Techniques for Class Imbalances & Adversaries
Brendan Herger (Capital One)
2:55pm–3:35pm Thursday, 09/29/2016

Join Cloudera at booth #721, where we will be featuring a couple of partner demos with Financial Services use cases:

Tuesday 9/27/2016 at 6:00–6:10pm, Zoomdata Churn Analysis for Insurance

Wednesday 9/28/2016 at 4:20–4:30pm, Trifacta Digital Customer Experience in Financial Services

I look forward to seeing you there.

