5 Needle Movers for Business Cloud Migration

Pankaj Rai
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2022
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Among the vast array of processes involved in business cloud migration, enterprises and SMBs need to prioritize needle mover tasks to set the migration project in motion.

The needle movers listed below serve as the key pillars of migration success. Therefore, businesses can avoid execution delays and eliminate loopholes by dedicating IT teams and other internal resources to prioritizing these needle mover tasks:

1. Choosing the right cloud migration platform

The first and the most critical needle mover task that gives a foundational structure to the entire migration project is choosing the right cloud migration platform.

It is only by choosing the right cloud migration platform that it becomes possible for enterprises and SMBs to move forward with other needle movers.

Cloud migration platform

When migrating from a conventional source cloud e.g., Box to a totally different source cloud suite e.g., Microsoft 365, it’s crucial to choose a migration platform that can migrate high volume data and transfer Box-specific features such as Box Notes.

2. Deciding whether to sort data/user accounts before or after the migration

Deciding to sort user accounts and their data before or after the migration is the second important needle move task. It plays a key role in moving the migration project from the basic planning level to a more advanced SOW-planning level.

Sorting user accounts

Businesses planning to migrate to shared cloud drives such as SharePoint Online need to get this needle mover task done to progress to the next important step, which is choosing the features to migrate.

3. Finalizing the features to migrate

After finalizing the features to migrate, enterprises as well as SMBs can accelerate the migration project further.

Features to migrate

In this phase, it is vital to choose all the business-critical features such as sharing permissions, internal and external shares, timestamps, in-file comments, etc., to transfer from the source to the destination cloud.

4. Getting internal teams of both parties to work together

During the onboarding process, it’s important to get your company’s and the migration service provider’s internal team to work together to amend T&Cs, commercials, and even legal.

Coordination between the internal teams of client and migration service provider

Getting the internal teams of both parties involved will ensure that the onboarding phase is swift and not delayed.

5. Helping the end-users rationalize migrated data

The final needle mover, which is to be prioritized after the one-time cloud migration, is ensuring that end-users (employees) can rationalize data migrated over to the destination cloud.

Rationalizing migrated data with delta migration

A greater part of data rationalization has to do with transferring all the incremental changes via delta migration.

