5 Ways How Metaverse Will Change Remote Work in 2022

Pankaj Rai
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2022
Photo by Kristin Wilson on Unsplash

Working remotely, and from the office, will no longer be the same in 2022 and beyond.

With the advancements in metaverse in full swing, the ways people work and companies do business will change this year.

Here are five ways how remote work will change with the disruptions that metaverse will bring:

1. Boost the adoption of hybrid work models

2022 is speculated to be the year of hybrid work since remote working will no longer be the same from this year.

The rise of metaverse will play a crucial role in boosting the adoption of hybrid work models by SMBs as well as enterprises.

To integrate an agile and dynamic hybrid work model, businesses need to move to cloud suites that embrace metaverse, including Microsoft 365. For example, businesses planning to move from Dropbox to OneDrive will have a competitive edge in joining the cohorts of early adopters of hybrid work models.

2. Significant improvements in collaboration

One of the most significant changes that metaverse will bring in the remote and hybrid work realm is how teams and leaders collaborate on the cloud.

Working on the cloud within a metaverse will help teams become more efficient in collaboration which, in turn, will help businesses gain higher returns.

Newer augmented reality and virtual reality-based productivity and collaboration tools within metaverse will help teams and individual employees improve their performance significantly and meet their KPIs.

3. Seamless transition between remote work and in-office work

The existing collaboration tools that are mostly based on 2D design are somewhat of a bottleneck in the seamless transition between remote work and in-office work. To bridge this gap, metaverse-based 3D work tools backed by mixed reality technologies will play a pivotal role.

For example, 3D meetings with holographic avatars of each team member in Microsoft Teams will play a crucial role in mitigating the isolation that many teams and individual members may experience.

Businesses migrating from traditional cloud services, e.g., Dropbox to OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online, will also be able to integrate regular work tools into mixed reality-based collaborations.

4. Streamlining the process of hiring a global team

Work and business tools based on mixed reality will also make it less challenging for businesses to build global teams for structuring global operations.

For example, human resource managers will be able to leverage mixed-reality video conference chat rooms to make the remote hiring processes as immersive as possible.

5. Rise in the millennial workforce

Since working in the metaverse will be more about using disruptive technologies such as mixed reality and artificial intelligence, businesses moving to one or more metaverse will be at the forefront of attracting the millennial workforce.

And the more robust the millennial workforce, the faster the technology adoption rate for businesses, especially large-sized businesses and enterprises.

