Post-migration Checklist for Enterprises And SMBs

Pankaj Rai
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2022
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

It is not just before and during the migration that businesses must focus on multiple key areas. Enterprises and SMBs also need to equally prioritize post-migration activities to ensure that the entire migration project is a complete success.

Here are some of the key post-migration focus areas for businesses (of all sizes) to prioritize:

1. Checking migration reports

The best data and numbers-backed way to ensure that all user accounts and data have been migrated from the source to the destination cloud is by checking the migration reports.

Here’s an example of a Box to SharePoint Online migration CSV report:

CSV migration report

Simple CSV migration reports work great in providing the IT teams with a clear overview of the files and folders migrated. These simple report formats also help IT teams quickly understand what and how many files/folders have gone into conflict.

2. Running delta migrations

After checking all the important migration reports and ensuring that the one-time migration does not have any file/folder conflicts, the next important step to take is to perform one or more delta migrations.

Delta migration

Depending on the overall size of the incremental changes made to the source cloud, a single delta migration may work for your IT team.

In cases where there’s a need to migrate shared and unshared drives to the destination cloud, e.g., Google Shared Drives and Google Drive to SharePoint Online, performing multiple delta migrations is a must.

3. Initiating user onboarding

One of the most crucial steps in post-migration work is onboarding the end-users (employees) to the destination cloud. For enterprises and SMBs, having a proper user onboarding plan is key to ensuring a smooth transition to the destination cloud.

Onboarding users to the destination cloud

Providing the end-users with structured training works great. Also, helping users identify similarities in the source and destination cloud further streamlines the transition. Providing users with early access to the destination cloud prior to the one-time migration works too.

4. Rationalizing migrated data

Only if different teams and end-users can make sense of the migrated data will the one-time and delta migration become successful. A significant part of successfully rationalizing migrated data lies in understanding how user accounts and files/folders are structured in the destination cloud.

Rationalizing migrated data

Also, having clarity on the features that are migrated, e.g., sharing permissions, timestamps, version history, external and internal shares, and embedded links, further helps IT teams and end-users make sense of the overall data migrated to the destination cloud.

5. Decommissioning source cloud

Since the source cloud will have all the company data, including sensitive business data, it’s crucial to decommission data the right way.

In many cases, businesses may not have all the knowledge and resources needed to ensure proper decommission of source cloud data.

Assistance from migration service provider for decommissioning source cloud

It’s worth taking help from the migration service provider for the source cloud clean-up phase.

