AWS Code Pipe line

Praveen Sambu
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2021

Here will create a code pipeline for the code commit project we have created in earlier article :

Goto CodePipeline service in AWS and click on Create pipeline

Step 2: provide name of the pipe line, then automatically a role with pipe line name gets created, If you want to choose an existing role you can use it.

For this pipe line we are using AWS Code Commit, but you are free to use any of the resource provided

Now add the remaining settings like repository name and branch name, by default they are already linked so it is just a selection for your pipe line.

Now We need to configure build provider for the pipe line, you can again use Code build or Jenkins. I am using Code Build for this article.

Add environment variables if you have any by clicking on Add environment variables, this can be also altered after creating pipeline.

Now we need to create project for this pipe line by clicking on create project.

I have created new project by selecting managed image and ubuntu as operating system.

Runtime : Standard, Image : 4.0( you can see about images in detail in aws pages)

I am using buildspec.yaml file I have created in my sourcecode to get build commands. We can also provide code deploy command in buildspec.yaml so that we do no need any code deploy step.



Praveen Sambu

Software Engineer |AWS Community Builder |Technical Blogger | Trainer . Founder of Cloud In Detail ( still working on building blog…