Cheap should not mean bad: why tech innovation and low price can coexist in harmony

Shioupyn Shen
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2024

Humans have traditionally associated low prices with a lack of quality because, for a long time, expensive products were genuinely superior. But with technological advancements, this no longer holds. Through economies of scale, we can create quality products at lower price points.

Despite this shift, society continues to undervalue inexpensive items.

Dollars and sense

Deeply ingrained in us is the thinking that if we pay a lot for something, we appreciate it more. Studies have shown that people on a blind taste test will enjoy a particular wine more if told it is pricier than the others.

Due to the innate correlation between price and quality, we struggle to evaluate a product objectively before buying it. As a result, we tend to regard cheap products with some skepticism.

The idea that a cheap product is inherently less worthy has a damaging effect. For example, if an object truly has little value, a low price will not do anything for it. But if it has real merit, people are more likely to be suspicious of it when offered at a low cost.

There is a deep-seated belief that the more we pay for something, the more we value it. It’s like that old saying, “You get what you pay for.” Too often, when we find a device that ticks all the boxes offered at a lower-than-expected price, we do a double-take, asking if this deal is too good to be true.

This correlation between price and perceived quality influences how we evaluate products.

Take fast fashion — it’s seen as cheap and disposable, lacking the prestige we might afford designer labels. Conversely, there’s a different kind of scrutiny when it comes to technology.

Many approach cheaper tech products with suspicion, fearing they might disappoint in performance or even pose safety risks, like unexpectedly malfunctioning. This wariness makes us hesitate, creating a barrier to affordable tech solutions that could offer genuine value.

We at CloudMosa are on a mission to break this prejudiced behavior pattern. We aim to redefine the perception of cheap technology, showing that affordability does not necessarily equate to inferiority.

The proof is in the cloud

Since CloudMosa’s inception, our mission has been to leverage cloud and web technologies to bridge the digital divide. Our experience in cloud technology, combined with much trial and error, countless setbacks, and the will to learn, has led us to a point where we are finally able to bring internet accessibility to underserved communities.

We are entering a new age of data and cloud, with endless possibilities.

By offloading computing tasks to the cloud, we have removed a mobile handset’s processing, memory, and storage requirements. This means we can eliminate expensive hardware, which often accounts for the bulk of the cost consumers pay today, and offer the same quality at a fraction of the price.

Beyond that, by activating our ecosystem of partners, we can overcome technical hurdles and rewrite the script of how people view conventional, cheap, ‘dumb phones’.

With the introduction of the Cloud Phone technology, we can provide a virtual phone platform that transforms basic feature phones into smart devices. Using a web-based architecture, we can offer users access to an unlimited number of applications and services.

CloudMosa aims to bring real-time content streaming to these communities, providing an affordable gateway to the digital world. For those who live off the grid, most of their first interaction with a computer will be with a smartphone.

We not only unlock an untapped group of consumers for app developers but also bring a whole new world of entertainment and video streaming to feature phones that would otherwise have been exclusive to much more costly smart devices.

A new way of discerning value

With affordable devices powered by Cloud Phone technology, we are delivering on our purpose of bringing internet and app access to deprived communities. These cheap devices provide access to the digital world and empower users with the tools they need to thrive in the modern economy.

The Cloud Phone solution is not for ‘developed world’ consumers like you or me.

However, its existence should encourage us to set aside our biases and consider options based on merit and personal needs. Cheap does not automatically equal bad. When we acknowledge this and appreciate real — rather than perceived — value, we can finally make genuinely informed decisions that align with our own needs and values, not societal norms.

