Remote Browser Isolation and its Importance for WFH and Beyond

CloudMosa, Inc.
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2021

Remote Browser Isolation (or RBI) has become a hot topic, especially during the early stages of WFH due to COVID.

But What Is It Exactly, and Why Does It Matter?

Here is a scenario. Say an individual on their personal home computer opens a file from an email their colleague forwarded, and unaware that it had malicious content hiding within. Not only would their device be compromised, but if the spread is not contained, it can end up causing damage or loss to sensitive company data. Personal devices are often without the security and restrictions of a work computer would have, and often their WiFi networks are nowhere as secure as ones in the office.

Cloud-based RBI To Become Mainstream

RBI is when a user’s browsing activity is not conducted on their device, but instead through servers that run everything through the cloud. This provides a secure air gap that separates the device from the websites accessed and prevents malicious content and potential threats from infiltrating the user’s laptop or mobile phone. The content to be accessed first goes through cloud servers is filtered, then passes on to the device.

Because of heightened digital attacks that have targeted companies, more and more are urging to implement this measure for the safety of both employees and company networks. A study done by Gartner Partners suggests companies implement “zero trust execution” and “deny by default” systems for better security, as often antivirus-based mechanisms fail to protect from attacks of recent. From the same study, Gartner has concluded that enterprises that use EPP (end-user-focused device protection) face great risk to their enterprise data, as the risk surface is far greater and varied with employees at home versus within the general workplace. Along with that, traditional infrastructures for enterprises have shown to be becoming obsolete in this era with everything being moved to remote and cloud-based platforms.

Beyond WFH

However, the advantages that cloud-based browser isolation provides do not only apply to work-related use. Security and privacy against “Big Brother” and large technology corporations have been a major talking point for millions of users. The distrust built up against them is without a doubt gaining by the minute. For the security side, the filtering of harmful contents out can also help protect the end user’s device from being hacked, their identity information (personal, medical, social media details, etc.) taken and used without consent, or personal sensitive documents were stolen for exploitation. For the privacy side, tracking done by third-party cookies and other forms is blocked off, ensuring the privacy of the users, and eliminates the risks of browser fingerprinting. The beauty of this technology is its usability no matter if used for work or personal reasons. Furthermore, although VPN is now used more often for privacy and security reasons, the costs of a quality VPN are often too much for most to consider. As a result, Cloud RBI can be a very useful asset for all in the years to come, both personal and work scenarios.

Click here to learn more about Puffin Cloud Isolation.



CloudMosa, Inc.

A pioneer in providing remote browser solutions for users worldwide.