Rising Costs of Smartphones: Understanding the Factors, and Our Solutions

CloudMosa, Inc.
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2023

The smartphone market has seen rapid change in recent years. Just a decade ago, premium phones cost around $500. Today’s flagships regularly top $1,000. Experimental form factors like foldables can reach even higher prices. There is a growing divide, as cutting-edge hardware and materials drive up costs. While enabling novel capabilities, premium pricing risks excluding budget-conscious consumers. Advanced software features also often require high-end hardware. The market continues advancing quickly, but not all can keep pace as prices climb. Expanding capabilities seem destined to further widen the price gap between basic and top-tier models.

Quality Materials, Yet With Increased Fragility

In the early 2010s, aluminum emerged as a popular premium material for smartphone construction. The metal provided a more luxurious, durable feel compared to plastic. However, aluminum bodies proved less resilient against drops and impacts. As smartphones grew more fragile, repair costs rose for consumers. In recent years, manufacturers have moved to hybrid builds combining aluminum frames with glass fronts and backs. This delivers a sleek, high-end aesthetic, but retains the vulnerability of glass to cracks and breaks. The desire for premium feel and appearance has made modern smartphones more prone to damage, leading to increased repair expenses for users. Brands continue weighing aesthetics against durability as they select materials.

Advancements in Technology and Features

The priciest components in a smartphone’s bill of materials (BOM) are typically the display and processor. As screens have grown sharper and larger, display costs have risen, especially for OLED panels. Processors must pack more power to handle intensive apps and games we now demand. Where top phones once had 8–13 megapixel cameras, 48 megapixels is today’s entry-level flagship spec as expectations soar. These rapid advances impress but hike costs. Consumers ultimately bear the burden through higher purchase prices.

Rising Manufacturing and Marketing Expenses

Smartphone manufacturers work to control expenses, but costs often creep up due to factors like component and worker shortages, along with other factors. Meanwhile, marketing budgets have grown as competition intensifies. Brands now collaborate more with media outlets to reach consumers. The swell in costs gets passed on through higher retail pricing, bearing down on consumers.

Extended Phone Upgrade Cycles

Consumers are now keeping their smartphones for longer periods before considering an upgrade. There is an ongoing discussion about the perception that innovation in new models has slowed, often providing only incremental improvements. The allure of frequent upgrades, which was more prevalent in previous years, has diminished. This deceleration in the frequency of upgrade cycles poses challenges for achieving continuous growth in smartphone sales, as reflected in annual reports.

CloudMosa’s Dedication to Connectivity for All

Maintaining connectivity is crucial in the digital age, unlocking access to resources and opportunities. While mid-range and high-end devices dominate markets, budget-friendly options remain limited. Our commitment is to address this gap by offering quality yet affordable smartphones like the LAVA Yuva. Through the integration of cloud technology, we deliver exceptional experiences characterized by high speeds and minimal local storage requirements.

At CloudMosa, we are devoted to pushing the boundaries of mobile technology and connectivity through continuous innovation. Our initiatives extend beyond smartphones to include feature phones. In forthcoming articles, we will delve deeper into our feature phone solutions. Despite significant advancements in mobile technology, a third of the global population still experiences digital exclusion. Our fundamental mission is to enrich connectivity while bridging these digital divides.



CloudMosa, Inc.

A pioneer in providing remote browser solutions for users worldwide.