AWS Account Creation Made Easy: A Detailed Walkthrough

Deepa Mathan
5 min readOct 17, 2023


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is’s widely used and extensive cloud computing platform. It offers a wide range of cloud services to assist individuals, businesses, and organizations in the development and management of their applications and infrastructure in a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective manner.

AWS continues to evolve and expand its services to meet the growing demands of the cloud computing landscape, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes and industries. AWS offers a wide range of services that cater to various computing needs. Users can access and use these services without the need to own or manage physical hardware.

Creating an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account involves several steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create an AWS account:

Step 1: Visit AWS Website

Go to the AWS website at URL click on “Sign into the Console”

Step 2: Click “Create an AWS Account”

Click the “Create an AWS Account” button on the top right corner of the AWS homepage.

Step 3: Provide Your Email Address

Enter your email address and choose “I am a new user.” then enter the verification code process then Click “Next.”

Step 4: Enter Your Account Information

Fill in the required information, including your name, desired AWS account name, and password. Click “Next.”

Step 5: Update Contact Information

Provide your contact information, including your phone number and address. Click “Next.”

Step 6: Payment Information

Enter your payment information. AWS requires a valid credit card for account creation, even for the free tier. Fill in the necessary details and click “Secure Submit.”

Step 7: Identity Verification

AWS will perform an identity verification process, usually by making an automated call to the phone number you provided. Follow the instructions for verification.

Step 8: Choose a Support Plan

Choose the desired AWS support plan. If you’re just starting out, you might choose the free Basic support plan. Click “Continue.”

Step 9: Confirmation

Review your details and make sure everything is accurate. Read and accept the AWS Customer Agreement, AWS Service Terms, and AWS Privacy Notice. Click “Create Account and Continue.” And your account will be created.

Step 10: Access the AWS Management Console

Once the setup is complete, you can access the AWS Management Console using your new AWS account credentials.

Congratulations! You now have an AWS account, and you can start using AWS services and resources. Be sure to manage your account responsibly and securely.

AWS Billing and Cost Management:

Creating a zero-budget AWS billing account involves configuring budget alerts and cost controls to ensure that you do not exceed the AWS Free Tier limits and incur any charges.

Here are the steps to set up AWS billing to maintain a zero budget:

Step 1: Billing Dashboard

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and go to the AWS Billing and Cost Management dashboard.

Step 2: Set Up Billing Alerts

Navigate to the “Budgets” section in the left-hand menu and click on “Create budget.”

Step 3: Choose Zero Budget

Choose “Cost budget” and set a budget amount of $0 to ensure no charges exceed this limit.

Set up email alerts to notify you if your usage or spending approaches the budgeted amount. Its Created.

By following these steps and actively monitoring your AWS usage and costs, you can effectively maintain a zero-budget AWS account while utilizing the AWS Free Tier resources and avoid any unexpected charges..

Regularly monitor your AWS usage and set up billing alerts to notify you when your usage approaches or exceeds the free tier limits.

Remember, while aiming for a “zero budget” account, it’s crucial to manage and monitor your usage to avoid unexpected charges. Always review your AWS account and usage regularly to stay within budget and take advantage of the free tier offerings.

Stay tuned for more blogs on Amazon Web Service (AWS) !!



Deepa Mathan

I am ambitious in learning and adapting new skills, passionate in Cloud & DevOps, always wanted to stay up to date with the latest industry trends .