How to Create GitHub Account

Janani Thesu Vasudevan
Cloudnloud Tech Community
3 min readFeb 11, 2023

😎GitHub is an online software development platform. It’s used for storing, tracking, and collaborating on software projects.‼️

💹Here we go with Step by step process to create an account:

  1. The first steps in starting with GitHub is to create an account,
    Sign up for an account on using below link:

You will find the below page, Now Click Sign up

GitHub Home Page

2. You’ll be asked to enter ur email id as shown below

3. Create a Password for you account

4. Provide a username for your Github account

5. To receive product updates and announcement from github you can subscribe by giving — Yes ‘Y’ else No ‘N”

6. Verify yourself to get started with Github

7. Once you verify yourself , Create your account

8. You’re almost done!🥳🥳
Once you click on create account,
You get a launch code to the register email id —
Now refer you registered ID and enter the code

9. Once the code is entered you ll be re-directed to below page!!

10. Select the required features and click Continue

11. You will be redirected to the below page,
Select free version and you ll be redirected to your GITHUB Account , There is also Student version available where you need to submit student proof to access the benifits

12. Hurray.!!🥳🎉 You have created your account
Your account looks like the below —
Now Log-out and sign-in back to verify

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Janani Thesu Vasudevan
Cloudnloud Tech Community

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