HTML Evolution to DOM Mastery: A Web Developer’s Journey

Srinivasan Baskaran
Cloudnloud Tech Community
3 min read5 days ago

Tim Berners-Lee: The Father of HTML

Tim Berners-Lee, an English computer scientist, is credited with inventing the World Wide Web. He introduced HTML, the URL system, and HTTP. His groundbreaking work at CERN in 1990 laid the foundation for the web as we know it today. Berners-Lee’s contributions continue to shape the digital landscape, and he remains an influential figure in technology.

HTML Evolution and the Document Object Model (DOM)


The web has come a long way since its inception. Understanding the evolution of HTML and the role of the Document Object Model (DOM) is essential for anyone venturing into web development. In this article, we’ll explore the journey of HTML, delve into the DOM, and discuss its architecture.

HTML Evolution

HTML Basics: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the backbone of the web. It started as a simple markup language for structuring documents, defining headings, paragraphs, and links

HTML2: Introduced in the early ’90s, HTML2 brought essential features like forms. Forms allowed users to input data on web pages, paving the way for interactive content.

HTML3: HTML3, proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991, expanded HTML’s capabilities. Notable features included:

  • Customized Lists: Fine-tuned lists with entities like &emspace;.
  • Text Flow Around Figures: Text could flow around floating figures.
  • Mathematical Equations: Inspired by TeX, HTML3 supported equations.
  • Static Banner Area: For corporate logos, disclaimers, and customized navigation.

HTML4 and XHTML: HTML4 introduced more elements and attributes, making it more versatile. XHTML (Extensible HTML) aimed for stricter syntax rules but didn’t gain widespread adoption due to complexity.

HTML5: HTML5 revolutionized the web. It brought new semantic elements (like <header>, <nav>, and <article>), multimedia support (audio and video), and APIs (like Geolocation and Web Storage). HTML5 made web development more expressive and interactive.

The History of the DOM

The Document Object Model (DOM) allows programming languages (primarily JavaScript) to interact with the underlying structure of a web document. Here’s a brief history:

Early Days: In the early web, browsers rendered HTML directly. There was no standardized way to manipulate page content dynamically.

DOM Emerges: The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) introduced the DOM to bridge this gap. It provided a hierarchical representation of HTML documents, enabling developers to access, modify, and manipulate elements programmatically.

DOM Levels:

DOM Level 1 (1998): Basic access to document elements.

DOM Level 2 (2000): Introduced events, CSS manipulation, and more.

DOM Level 3 (2004): Enhanced support for XML and XPath.

Modern DOM: Today, the DOM is an integral part of web development. It allows us to:

Access elements using document.getElementById(), querySelector(), etc.

Change content, attributes, and styles dynamically.

Add or remove elements on the fly.

DOM Architecture

The DOM is a tree-like structure:

  • Document Node: Represents the entire HTML document.
  • Element Nodes: Represent HTML elements (e.g., <div>, <p>).
  • Attribute Nodes: Hold element attributes (e.g., class, id).
  • Text Nodes: Contain text within elements.

So, what is HTML?

HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a markup language for the web that defines the structure of web pages.

HTML determines the structure of web pages. Other technology stack like CSS, Javascript is used with HTML to convert the page to stylish, interactive and dynamic style.


Understanding the evolution of HTML and the power of the DOM is crucial for web developers. As you embark on your journey, remember that the DOM empowers you to create dynamic, interactive web experiences.

That’s it, thank you for reading.

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Srinivasan Baskaran
Cloudnloud Tech Community

Qualified IT professional with over 20+ years of experience in rendering Technical Expertise in Microsoft, Cloud (Azure, AWS) .Net/SQL Development, DevOps, RDBM