New Announcement from AWS Reinvent 2022 — Opensearch Going Serverless

Ayyanar Jeyakrishnan
Cloudnloud Tech Community
2 min readNov 29, 2022

Last two reinvent, AWS Made a big leap on moving towards serverless for all their Managed services.

RDS Aurora Serverless on 2018, Later for Redshift, EMR.

Now Today on Reinvent 2022 — November 29th Announced Elasticsearch on Serverless

  1. You can now create a Collections Amazon Opensearch Service — In Instance based we usually create a Domain.
  2. Elasticsearch on Collection Type: TimeSeries — This Collection type can solve the usecase of IOT data and consume as API, Use for analyzing large volumes of semi-structured, machine-generated data in real time.
  3. Elasticsearch on Collection Type: Search — This collection type can solve the usecase of LogAnalytics, Full text search and also Use for full-text searches that power applications within your network.

4. As we use all the Serverless Service. We need to create a VPC Endpoint and map to the required VPC, Subnet and security group. VPC endpoint will ensure all communication to Elasticsearch goes via SSL In Transit.

5. You can use the KMS for Encryption at Rest.

6. You will get a Endpoints and also Dashbaord for Opensearch

7. Enhanced Security

  • Encryption Policy for Encryption as Rest.
  • Network Policy : Enabled VPC with VPC Endpoints restrict to Private VPC or Public.
  • Data Access — At Index Level, Collection level, for IAM User, Role, Groups with restricted permission e.g) Get,Post Method
  • Authentication — You can use IAM Users, SAML Authentication with your popular Identity provider.

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Ayyanar Jeyakrishnan
Cloudnloud Tech Community

Cloud-(AWS 8x & Azure 3x), Kubernetes (CKA/CKAD), DevOps, Infrastructure Architect (TOGAF), Data and ML - Platform Engineer