How to pass the Microsoft Certification SC-900

Andre Camillo, CISSP
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2022
Photo by Keith Luke on Unsplash

A new exam in Microsoft’s exam portfolio, the SC-900 focuses on Microsoft controls for Compliance, Identity and Security.

Exam SC-900: Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals — Learn | Microsoft Docs

It was introduced in 2021, and being a “900” series, is Fundamentals-level, meaning it has a *very* wide scope, but it does not go deep into the subjects.

It’s a great fundamentals exam in that it touches on a lot of concepts — covering their Compliance and Identity controls and how these are built into their Cloud and Security products.

Here’s how I passed the exam — and just a tip, the exam is easier than you think if you’ve been dealing with security for a few years.


The exam outline is available here.

What you need to know for it, is how Microsoft’s tackle modern InfoSec challenges.

After reading the outline, you’ll quickly realize it’s all about protecting Data, and that they have the technology to do so.


The main study resource you should absolutely use, is Microsoft’s docs page for it, available here:

Microsoft Certified: Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals — Learn | Microsoft Docs

It contains a nice learning path for the entire curriculum, with good progression and path between the many different subjects.

Just go through this entire learning path and you’ll be good to go, really!

But… if you want a different learning experience or still fell insecure of your knowledge, then…


As a backup and last resource, I utilized video content, Cram-style from youtube. These are especially helpful to play during bedtime or whenever you cannot read, when you’re exercising, for instance :-).

The first resource is from John Savill, a Microsoft employee, with a good high level overview of the content, and good reminders of the content.

I utilized a couple more resources.

My second recommendation is Peter Zerger’s Cram video, good content:

Lastly, Freecodecamp has a video on the content too, but I did not like the delivery so much, it’s comprised of multiple short videos added into one long stream. There’s a lot of waiting between different subject — having to wait for the videos (short) introductions at every new subject — Not ideal.

Plus, the content itself is mostly read out loud, which is -again- Not ideal.

You can still learn somethings from it though, so might be worth the while.

Anyway, here’s the link to it: Microsoft Security Compliance and Identity (SC-900) — Full Course PASS the Exam — YouTube

By going over all this content I was able to pass the exam with relatively ease, and I bet you’ll too.

Good luck!

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Andre Camillo, CISSP

Cloud, AI and Cyber Security tech, Career, Growth Mindset. Find my Discord &more: . Architect @Crowdstrike. Opinions are mine!