How to Migrate a On-Premise SMB File Share into Azure File Share Storage

Kareem T
CloudOps Community
Published in
4 min readNov 13, 2023


Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash

Migrating a file share from a Windows Server to an Azure file share with a private endpoint link and setting up a DNS forwarder involves several key steps. This process includes configuring Azure resources, preparing your Windows Server, transferring data, and setting up DNS forwarding. Here’s a detailed guide:

1. Prepare Your Windows Server

  • Backup Data: Always start with backing up your file share.
# PowerShell command to backup data

Copy-Item -Path "C:\source\folder" -Destination "C:\backup\" -Recurse

2. Set Up Azure Environment

  • Create Azure Account and Storage: If you haven’t, create an Azure account and set up a storage account.
# Azure CLI command to create a storage account
az storage account create -name mystorageaccount -resource-group MyResourceGroup -location eastus -sku Standard_LRS
  • Create a File Share: In your storage account, create a file share.
# Azure CLI command to create a file share
az storage share create -account-name mystorageaccount -name myfileshare

3. Configure Azure Private Link

  • Create a Private Endpoint…

