6 Public Speaking Tips for Your Next Presentation

Matt Francis
Published in
6 min readApr 8, 2024
public speaking tips

For most people, there is a particular set of anticipated reactions the audience will display at the end of an event, and you’ll know that you have crushed your public speaking presentation. But on the other end, a little bit of uncertainty could make you anxious about the outcome. And that’s why we share these tips and tricks to ace your game from start to finish.

Besides, constant learning and practice, especially when speaking in front of an audience, will help you deliver the best outcomes and achieve your goals. So, it doesn’t matter how long you might have been giving a presentation or whether you are just getting started; identifying specific practice areas will create opportunities for you to make significant improvements over time.

By putting the public speaking lessons shared in this post to work, you’ll gain more confidence and build a better skillset for delivering a presentation that holds the audience’s attention from the beginning to the end.

Importance of public speaking skills

Public speaking skills are extremely important across diverse business, marketing, and career development contexts, enabling individuals to communicate ideas, persuade audiences, and build rapport effectively.

In business settings, articulating thoughts clearly and confidently can enhance presentations, negotiations, and client interactions, fostering trust and credibility. Also, in marketing, compelling public speaking can convey brand messages persuasively, driving engagement and sales.

Furthermore, strong public speaking skills are invaluable for career advancement, facilitating leadership roles, networking opportunities, and professional growth. Overall, honing public speaking abilities is essential for successfully navigating the competitive landscapes of business and career advancement.

Proven public speaking tips to help you crush your next presentation

If you get a chance to speak at a public event, you can use the following tips to resonate and connect with the audience while crushing your next presentation.

#1: Clarify the purpose of your presentation

Clarifying the purpose of a presentation before engaging an audience is crucial as it provides a clear direction and focus for the communication.

By understanding the specific objectives, whether it’s to inform, persuade, inspire, or entertain, presenters can tailor their content, structure, and delivery to achieve those goals effectively. His clarity helps craft a compelling narrative, select relevant information, and engage the audience from the outset. It also allows presenters to anticipate and address potential questions or objections, ensuring a more impactful and successful overall presentation.

#2: Connect with your audience

Using eye contact to connect with an audience during a public presentation is crucial as it fosters engagement, builds rapport, and conveys confidence and sincerity. Maintaining eye contact creates a sense of connection and trust between the speaker and the audience, enhancing the effectiveness of the message delivery. Other ways to connect with an audience while speaking in public include:

  • Employing storytelling techniques to evoke emotion and capture attention.
  • Using body language to convey enthusiasm and energy.
  • Encouraging interaction through questions or interactive elements.

Moreover, adapting the content to the audience’s interests and needs and speaking with authenticity and passion can further strengthen the connection and impact of the presentation.

#3: Create a great presentation outline

A presentation outline is a structured plan that organizes a presentation’s content, key points, and flow, providing a roadmap for the speaker to follow during delivery.

A presentation outline is a navigational tool, helping speakers stay on track by providing a clear structure and sequence of key points. With an outline, speakers can focus on the main ideas they intend to convey, ensuring they cover all essential information while avoiding tangents or digressions.

With a great outline, speakers can move smoothly from one point to the next, maintaining coherence and clarity in their delivery. Additionally, the outline serves as a reference point in case of distractions or unexpected interruptions, allowing speakers to regain their bearings and quickly continue their presentation. A well-prepared presentation outline is a reliable guide, enabling speakers to deliver their content effectively and confidently to their audience.

#4: Practice your presentation

To effectively practice public speaking to achieve the purpose of your talk, begin by thoroughly understanding your audience and the objectives of your presentation. Then, outline your key points and structure your speech accordingly.

Practice delivering your speech aloud multiple times, focusing on clarity, pacing, and emphasis. Consider recording yourself or presenting in front of a mirror to observe body language and refine your delivery. Solicit feedback from peers or mentors and make necessary adjustments. To build confidence and familiarity, it is also important to simulate real-world conditions by practicing in environments similar to where you’ll be speaking, such as a conference room or stage.

In front of a mirror during these practice sessions will also prove helpful. Through consistent and targeted practice, you can refine your communication skills and effectively achieve the purpose of your talk.

#5: Be passionate and confident

Being passionate and confident as a speaker conveys conviction in the message and helps create a sense of comfort and ease for the audience. When speakers exude passion, their enthusiasm becomes contagious, drawing listeners into the topic and sparking their interest. Moreover, confidence instills trust and credibility, reassuring the audience that the speaker is knowledgeable and capable.

This combination of passion and confidence establishes a positive rapport with the audience, making them more receptive to the message and enhancing the overall impact of the presentation.

Here are some other important tips to confidently crush your next public presentation.

  • Practice and preparation
  • Positive self-talk
  • Visualize success
  • Focus on your strengths
  • Maintain good posture
  • Deep breathing
  • Engage with the audience
  • Embrace imperfection

#6: Reframe your fear of public speaking

According to Michael Hyatt, a public speaking expert and business coach,

‘I’ve given hundreds of speeches, but whenever I prepare to go on stage, I experience some fear. After years of practice, however, I’ve trained myself to process that feeling differently. When I feel anxious, I tell myself that my body is just preparing for peak performance: I’m amped, alert, and ready for action. By reframing my emotion, I can turn what’s otherwise debilitating into something motivating.’

To reframe the fear of public speaking, new speakers can shift their perspective from viewing it as a threat to an opportunity for growth and self-expression, recognizing that nervousness is natural and can be channeled into energy to enhance their performance.

Such conscious recognition will enable you to approach speaking engagements with excitement and anticipation rather than dread. Eventually, this will empower you to confidently overcome stage fright and deliver impactful presentations.


Besides sharing our knowledge and experiences at Cloudpresenter, we have shared a collection of proven public speaking tips from experts across different industries. While the list was not meant to be exhaustive, putting the ones in this post to work will help you significantly improve. People interested in hosting virtual events and lead generation webinars can sign up for a free platform to start practicing immediately.



Matt Francis

Connecting people in 3D Virtual Worlds | Virtual & Hybrid Events. CEO/Founder Cloudpresenter.