What is this?

Jaime Rebanal
Clouds of Gaia


2 min readFeb 27, 2023


Perhaps I’ve done a whole lot for myself to continuously motivate my own writing in the past few years: but there’s a lot I think that ought to be done with the fact that I haven’t always been able to write about the movies I catch these days. My writing on Cinema from the Spectrum hasn’t always been the most up to date, and there’s a part of me thinking that sometimes as I see stuff at festivals, the hype can only get to me at some point.

Hence why I just titled this newsletter: Take Off the Festival Goggles.

But you know, the sarcasm in that title can get me somewhere, because I think sometimes I don’t always have the time to write extensive reviews. Yet there’s a lot I want to share that I think can’t always be placed on my Letterboxd, so even as I log movies there left and write and see my opinions fluctuate day by day, because I’ve “taken off the festival goggles” as they say.

You’ll find my musings come and go, but I find that sometimes Letterboxd isn’t the only space where I know my writings on movies can be found. I started up Cinema from the Spectrum (although I’m no longer the editor in chief, as I think that duty is best suited to someone who can supervise other writers like my friend Austin Shinn) to allow more of these voices to go out in some form. And here I am freelancing, with examples of my work going out in other manners. With Clouds of Gaia, I decided that my writing shouldn’t only cover movies, but as I have a dedicated love of gaming I think it’s been a great space to unite these loves.

But I can’t always write proper reviews. This is what I think Letterboxd is for at times, but I like to promote beyond there. If you want to see more of that, you can feel free to subscribe to this newsletter.



Jaime Rebanal
Clouds of Gaia

Mostly on Substack these days. Film school grad. (they/any)