Data Analytics Basics — Critical Review

Mohamed Sharaf
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2021

I had the pleasure recently to deliver a session at the Worldwide Software Architecture Summit. I see a rise of more virtual-only events phenomenon even beyond COVID as many now realized that the value/cost balance for these events is very positive.

In this post, I will try to summarize the talk in few paragraphs.

The talk -as implied by the title- is trying to discuss the basics but away from the restraints of what’s hot these days. I also wanted to be vendor-neutral as the conference track’s objective to discuss the architecture away from the vendor specifics. These are the main points

  • When a customer lists the data sources that they are interested in including in their data warehouse, they typically ignore two types of data
  1. Dark Data: That’s the data collected from websites logs, telemetry and not analyzed for long term
  2. External (contextual) Data: That’s the data that might be collected about the business not by the business itself. Examples: social media mentions to the company or the products, analysts/news agencies publishing about the company or the products
  • Data warehouse is a logical architecture not a product. Many products can act as a data warehouse. I gave an example of a SQL Database used as a data warehouse when MPP architecture is not needed
  • Data Lake is a concept that -to be realized- requires many products from the same or different vendors to be used together. Not one product currently in the market that I’m aware of can create a complete data warehouse.
  • Data Lake storage is just storage. You can think of it as your laptop drive. you save files on it. These files can be of a special type that represent data (csv, parquet, Avro…) or just files like pictures. The repeated marketing messages of storing structured, un-structured and semi-structured data gave many people the impression that there is some magic there
  • Data Lake storage doesn’t have indexes or statistics by itself. You need to have a big data cluster like spark to load the files into data structured that are indexed. New technologies like Delta Lakes give extra layer of transactional consistency to the parquet files but still the performance of the relational databases is superior to the lakes
  • Data Hub is a logical architecture which enables data sharing. I see this ignored/avoided at many customers discussions mainly because the data team is mainly consists of data engineers & data scientists and neither of them -typically- have experience in Enterprise integration APIs/service bus. In my opinion that shouldn’t hinder the architect from considering this as a logical component that can be physically satisfied by many implementations. A csv file on a blob/file container can be your data hub. I see SFTP in many cases upgraded to be a data hub. All these are accepted to some extend as long as in the original blueprint data hub was a basic component and didn’t just put there without holistic understanding of its function.
  • Relational Data Warehouses are not dead and according to Gartner many organizations are planning to use it. I see dependency on only data lake is un-natural and will cause the failure of the data analytics project when trying to force it on the data team.

These are the main messages and I hope I could convey them to you to the best of my knowledge. The slide deck are here

I’m also adding the recorded session (the recording was not live) here

Originally published at on February 13, 2021.

