How to use Qwiklabs for Cloud Study Jams ?

Dharmesh Vaya
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2019


Being a part of the Google CloudDeveloper Community, Mumbai we had quite a few Study Jams and using an amazing platform called ‘Qwiklabs’.

More on ‘Qwiklabs’ can be read here.

Sometimes, while activation of the free 1 month access, it leads to an issue that doesn’t activate the subscription.

Mostly this is because the participants do follow the exact steps for activation.

Important Note: You should not be logged into the browser (or Qwiklabs) while you enter the token.

Here are the steps to get the free One Month pass using the Study Jam code, please ask your attendees to follow the below process:

  1. If they have already signed in into your Qwiklabs account, ask them to log out of it.
  2. Direct your attendees to:
  3. Open it in the incognito mode.
  4. On study jam page, click on the Get Started button.
  5. They will be prompted to enter your study jam code: 0x-delta-9999 (This is just a sample code, actual code will be provided by your facilitators).
  6. Click on the “Sign in” button and enter your credentials to sign Qwiklabs.
  7. Check the “Credits and Subscriptions” section of your account.

They should have received one month pass after completing the process above.

So get set and grab some amazing badges on Qwiklabs and showcase them on your social media profiles :)



Dharmesh Vaya

#GoogleDevExpert #Developer #Architect #DevOps #Automation #GoogleCloud & all that it takes to make a quality software solution. Actively managing @GCDC_Mumbai