DROP ALERT: Celebrating Women Superpowers with Dr. Robin B

2 min readFeb 8, 2022


We are incredibly thrilled to announce our following featured creator, Dr Robin B — @dr.robinb on Instagram.

Dr Robin B is a pharmacist, entrepreneur, founder of the Dr. Robin B Fitness App, podcast host, and social media influencer and, as such, a perfect fit for our platform. Dr. Robin B minted a series of ten NFTs entitled the Renaissance Robin Collection.

The collection focuses on, Dr. Robin B, who comes from a planet of strong, intelligent, innovative and stunning women with superpowers. When she finds her way to earth, she realises that women aren’t as celebrated as they should be. It’s at that moment she decides to become a symbol of motivation and a beacon of light for women everywhere!

Representation is her superpower where she transforms herself into her many incredible personalities empowering and leading diverse women of all nations and cultures into the 21 Century with a mission to nurture and build healthy collective communities. “We are all”

The collection minted on Clout.art will drop on Thursday, February 10th on the Oncyber platform and available to purchase on Opensea.

Follow our social media channels for more details!

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Every piece of content you create can be a piece of art. Clout.art turns your most successful social media posts into unique NFTs.

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