The Three Cosmic Sisters: Channeling The Divine For Artistic Expression
5 min readJan 25, 2022


Sonorix Mehdiw is a bona fide artist.

Residing at the heart of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Sonorix is a gifted computer graphic designer, digital painter, and sound healer who, for the past decade, has been channeling divine powers of the universe to create stellar artwork.

Sparked by the wide range of fantasy movies, cartoons, games, and animations that marked his childhood growing up — some of which include Teen Titans & World Of Warcraft — he quickly developed an interest in the supernatural as an artistic medium. Nothing spoke to him more than seeing his favorite characters deploy their special powers in the fantasy world.

As he states:

“My purpose is to bring beauty from other dimensions into this world to the best of my ability. Share my art here on earth, and inspire others as I am inspired from the world’s beauty every single day”

And this can be seen not only in the fresh characters he creates on a day to day but also in the riveting music he puts out with his sound healing band, Cosmic Roots. An astral journey that taps into the universal energy from above — and mother earth’s healing powers from below — to provide powerful healing experiences for their listeners.

Whether it’s giving birth to the compelling characters in his head, or invigorating listeners with the fine-tuned melody of his guitar; Sonorix’s work never ceases to showcase the ultimate degree of his self-expression. Channeling from his own inner world & reality to put forth something special.

As an artist & creator, he embraces the concept of not being afraid to tap into your inner emotional struggles — as this is energy that can be harnessed to yield powerful creative breakthroughs.

“When feelings of anger, worry, or fear flow through my body, I simply reach out to painting. And through this meditative practice, I begin to release toxic thoughts that don’t serve me — exhaling all the emotional burden into my artwork.”

Moreover, one of Sonorix’s deep philosophies is using art as a medium to elevate our inner spirits — especially when we’re feeling at our lowest of lows. It’s through facing the music where artists typically produce some of their best work, and Sonorix never hesitates to use this power to his own benefit.

It’s because of this — amongst other things — that we feel proud to welcome Sonorix to the squad! In the next few days, Sonorix will be minting three of his dearest art pieces into NFTs; IG posts showcasing the ‘Three Cosmic Sisters’, which are part of his recent ‘Realities within’ personal comic.

These Three Cosmic Sisters are:


Kiy is very agile, her sight is one of the strongest among all the sisters, as she can psychically jump through places and minds in a split of a second. Kiy is also able to mesmerize her opponents with her powerful gaze — luring them to obey her commands for her own satisfaction.


Gaska is the clairvoyant sister, her mind can move objects levitating them in space, as well as herself. Having multiple hands gives her the ability to divide her mind to do multiple tasks at once. Gaska has a cosmic connection with the universe, being able to clearly see the timelines of her life path, and other people’s. She is even able to place others in a certain period in history for a fraction of a moment, almost like they’re in a dream reality.


Serk is the master of ‘Intangibility’. Transforming her atoms to pass through solid matter like walls and any physical object. She has the ability to inhabit the bodies of humans and other beings, completely taking control of their physical or energetic presence. She is able to completely disconnect herself from her physical form; and charging her powers from the crystals ingrained in her body since birth, she is able to turn invisible, and create illusions of herself. Astral projecting her soul into other dimensions allows her to visit new exciting places & open pathways in her own consciousness — gaining knowledge beyond any other character’s comprehension.

These three cosmic sisters were sent to test out Aurora’s power (another key character in the comic) when she was vulnerably trapped in the crystal maze of her own mind.

The three cosmic sisters have been watching over Aurora and her friends, yet they begin to trick her in this trapped dimension. This then encourages Aurora to use her own psychic powers to reveal the truth of this maze and eliminate the sisters’ mind manipulations in order to escape this cosmic prison with her own newly-found powers.

As Sonorix reflects on all the creative effort that goes about each one of his designs, he says:

“Art requires patience, passion & inspiration. Personally, I keep going back and adding something new to my pieces as time goes on; as it’s an ongoing process until I feel it’s ready. The most important thing is to always finish your artwork, and feel the success within, in order to receive the success from the external.”

And it’s safe to say, these three cosmic sisters are ready to take the sale by storm!

The official bidding for these gems will kickstart on January 27th at 8 am UTC — going all the way till January 29th where the sale formally closes its doors. If you’re seeking to get your hands on one of these sisters, we highly encourage you to stay tuned & not miss out on this opportunity to add these new art pieces to your NFT collection.

Be sure to join our Discord Server to get post notifications on the latest updates regarding this sale, & the wacky worlds of NFTs. Until then, sway on!


Every piece of content you create can be a piece of art. turns your most successful social media posts into unique NFTs.

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