Thank you for supporting EmailTezos

Siva Ragavan


We launched EmailTezos three weeks ago and the response from the community has been really encouraging. Thanks to all of you who tried EmailTezos and shared your feedback, ideas and comments. It has been an amazing learning experience.

Here is a snapshot of the community participation during the launch.

The feedback fell in two broad categories:

1. Simplicity & Ease of Use

I have never encountered a wallet that is so easy to set up and to use. —

“Well done! Simplicity and ease of use are essential to the next wave of adoption.” — Tezos Atlanta

We heard from many users that the wallet is very easy to get started and to use in general. A small percentage of the people contacted us and asked for help with getting started. We were able to quickly resolve their questions and help them access their wallets. We are very happy that most of you were able to experience Tezos in this new setting with very less friction. This is by design and we intend to maintain this level of simplicity as we bring in more functions.

2. Possibilities

“It can be one of the top 3” — Twitter user

“Looks like a great project to help further adoption and understanding” — Twitter user

“This sounds like WeChat. WeChat has a $530B market cap. So if this app worked it could potentially be a big boost to the entire Ecosystem.” — Reddit user

It is really encouraging to see how many users see the same level of potential and possibilities for EmailTezos as we do. It is really just the beginning. We hope EmailTezos can drive adoption for Tezos by making it more widely accessible and simpler to use. We also believe this will trigger the development of a new category of wallets based on email in addition to the existing categories like Hardware, Desktop, Mobile & Web wallets.

Top Feature Requests

These are the top 2 feature requests we repeatedly heard from users.

  1. Import Existing Accounts — This is one of the top requests from the community. It is totally understandable as most of the folks who participated during the launch already had at least one other Tezos Wallet.
  2. Hardware Support — Ledger for operating cold wallets and YubiKey for authentication.

Special Thanks

I sincerely thank

  • Kenneth Garofalo and Steven Vilkas from Tezos Boston — who introduced us to Tezos and the community.
  • Shaun from Tezos Commons — for supporting us from the beginning by showing us the way and connecting us with the necessary resources.
  • Klassare — for helping us through out the development process.
  • Jacob from TQ Tezos — for helping with tzBTC.
  • Clove Team — for more than 3 months of focused development effort to bring this project to fruition.

A new beginning

The past 3 months building with the Tezos community and the ecosystem has been a great experience. The support from the community and the strong validation for the product is very encouraging. This opens many new possibilities for us.

I am so happy to announce that our team at Clove Crypto has decided to dedicate 100% of our time and resources to develop the Tezos ecosystem further. We believe there is great potential in Tezos — with respect to both technology and the people. We bring decades of experience in developing software to support the Tezos protocol and ecosystem to reach its full potential.

Thank you for all of your support!



Siva Ragavan
Editor for

Engineer, CTO, Advisor, Investor | Ex-Meta, Microsoft, Amazon | Exited 3 Startups