One simple habit that can help you build wealth

Building wealth is hard, most of us have formed habits over time that work against a long term goal like wealth building.

Gareth Townsend
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2017


Picture this: It’s Thursday evening, you’re tired, you’re wandering the supermarket aisles trying to decide on dinner. You’re drawing a blank, you can’t even remember what you know how to cook. You head home empty handed, and order take away.

I’ve done this, you’ve probably done this. Hell, I’ve skipped the entire trip to the supermarket and gone straight to ordering food online.

Eating out is expensive, it’s hard to justify when it’s not with friends or family. My wife and I added up all the money we were spending on take away and eating out for just the two of us. It wasn’t pretty.

We put an end to this waste by forming one simple habit: Every Sunday night, we sit down and plan out what we’re going to eat for the week.

Having a plan removes the temptation later in the week to get take-away, we often cook dinner for 4 people, so that we have left-overs to take for lunch. Most weekends we cook a lasagne or something similar and freeze it for when we simply can’t be bothered cooking.

We haven’t eaten take-away this year: Menulog and the other food delivery services are sending us “we miss you” emails with discount codes.

We’re saving about $200 per week by planning ahead and choosing to cook at home instead of eating out or getting take away. That’s $10,400 per year if we can keep it up. That’s $10,400 per year we can put towards long term wealth building investments such as our Clover portfolio.

How much are your bad habits costing you in the long-term? 🤔

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