7 ways Clover takes the stress out of investing

Harry Chemay
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2017

One reason we started Clover is to help people invest better, and to start sooner. Investing doesn’t have to be overwhelming, convoluted or filled with jargon, and we aim to remove as much of the anxiety and complexity as possible.

Here’s a few of the ways we make the process easier:

  1. We give you personalised recommendations
    Tell us about yourself, your risk appetite and your financial goals and we’ll recommend you an optimal investment portfolio.
  2. Your investments are held in your namenot with a third party
    With Clover, you directly own all your investments. You’ll get independent verification of each trade we make for you, so you can be confident you always know what’s happening with your investments. This also means that even in the unlikely event that Clover were to cease operations, you’d still hold all your investments and wouldn’t be forced to sell.
  3. Your investments are diversified
    Instead of investing in just a couple of companies (which is risky) we’ll build you a portfolio which can spread your investments (depending on the portfolio recommended) among up to 4,700 companies across the globe. Diversification optimises your expected risk-adjusted returns, and helps to dampen portfolio volatility. It’s the closest thing investors have to a “free lunch” so why not tuck in? Read more about diversification.
  4. Want to close your account? No problem.
    While investing works best over an extended time period, we know plans can change. If you want to close your account, you can do so whenever you choose. No closing fees, no hard feelings.
  5. Super Low Fees
    Getting personalised investment management today can be expensive, with layers of fees quickly adding up. Not with Clover. Our fees start at just $5/month, which is dramatically lower than traditional advisors. We even built a fee calculator, so you can see exactly what your fees will be.
  6. We continually monitor your portfolio and rebalance when required
    Over time, portfolios will “drift” from their original composition as different parts of your portfolio grow at differing rates. Rebalancing occasionally will help keep your portfolio within an appropriate range, thereby reducing the risk of parts of your portfolio becoming overly concentrated.
  7. We’re local
    Clover is built by finance and technology geeks in Melbourne, Australia. If you need support, just call, live chat, email, or even drop by our office for a coffee! Meet the humans behind Clover.

Whether you’re a first time investor or an experienced pro looking to save time, we’re confident that Clover will help you invest smarter, and save you time, money, and stress.

When you try Clover, you’ll get free a no-obligation investment plan and recommendations. And if you choose to invest with Clover, we take care of the work and constantly report on your performance.

You can set up an account in about 15 minutes, I’d love to hear what you think.

Drop me an email —hello@clover.com.au

Clover is an automated investment service that helps you save and invest better.


