Enterprise IoT Can’t Happen in a Vacuum— Strategic Solution Partnerships are Key

Cameron Starman
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2018


Enterprises are moving to highly specialized IoT Solution Partners bringing down, consolidating strategic IoT partners and improving accountability and building Intellectual Property

There is the age old adage that “no man is an island”. While that may or may not be true for human beings necessarily (because we all think we know one), it is definitely the case in the world of IoT. Whether is a hardware provider, a custom solution firm, or the cloud platform provider, each are integral players to move IoT projects from Proof of Concept to Enterprise functionality to Business Adoption and ultimately to Return on Investment (Time and Money).

It incredibly important in our solutions practice to create and maintain relationship across the IoT spectrum in order to fulfill our client’s needs succinctly. No one has the complete end to end product in an Enterpise and anyone telling you they have one is probably not the quality of deployment you are looking for anyways. There are just too many moving parts for one entity to be every part of the solution. Hardware partners, solutions partners, and partners in the cloud space are all play integral parts in creating a highly function IoT network. It takes a well orchestrated effort of major partners to effectively create an integrated system with the desired functionality business leaders are expecting. For an Enterprize scale IoT solution, estimates are possibly about 15–25 different vendors coming together and creating. Now this poses some real challenges on accountability, timelines and ultimately who owns the Intellectual Property which was finally produced!

Clovity encompasses much of the end to end solutions that we provide, but there is still an understanding that only the right partnerships will truly bring success to our clients. By working with best of breed software companies, Clovity seeks optimal ROI for our clients both in product offerings as well as integration understanding. By ensuring that our firm is aligned with strongest companies out there, our client’s become aligned with them as well. New technologies and initiatives that might have been out of reach before, are now laid at the client’s feet.

Picking the right sensor technology, tech stack, tools, big data ecosystem and cloud provider for each project can be daunting, especially if the clients are not too familiar with the use case capabilities and pit-falls. By bringing focused device-to-cloud solution provider to the affairs (metaphorically speaking), clients are able to provide curated options for a variety of use cases and consulting on the best option for their needs and budget.

Is it cost that matters, security, or possibly even just functionality?

Our ability to agnostically walk our client’s through the pros and cons of each choice gives them the confidence to undertake these RoI driven IoT undertakings without hesitation.

As an industry, we are now heading deeper down the rabbit hole into the world of Artificial Intelligence and IoT together. With the extensive amount of data being created (exponentially more within a few years) it is a perfect breeding/testing ground for AI and machine learning models. With spends for AI and IoT at 38% and 31%, these two take a majority of revenue being spent on emerging technology. This additional space will begin to be very important over the next few years. In order to achieve the results desired, IoT solution providers must be able to succinctly provide insights into this emerging space as well.

Those that view this space as an ecosystem will allow them to truly bring an end to end solution for their clients that provide true RoI and insights.

Make sure your IoT solution partner has solid experience in building such end-to-end device-to-cloud ecosystems, because if they don’t you might want to reconsider your choice. This simple understanding can be the difference between a project dying on the vine at a PoC stage or ensuring the companies success for years to come with a full fledged IoT deployment.

By Cameron Starman May 31, 2018

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