An HONEST Drug Guide for Raves, Festivals and Clubs

No need to lie! Drugs no matter if legal or illegal are part of partying culture. Sometimes they are more and sometimes less present, but they are there! Hence it is important to speak about them.

17 min readJun 18, 2023


Unfortunately, I regularly run into individuals blindly taking anything that is presented to them just trusting the opinion of their friends or even strangers. Informing yourself before engaging in drug use is crucial for personal safety and harm reduction. Understanding the effects, risks, and potential interactions of different substances can help to make informed decisions. It allows for a better understanding of proper dosage, potential side effects, and signs of overdose. By staying informed, you can minimize the risks associated with drug use and protect your health and well-being, for a better experience overall.

But before going through each drug one by one giving honest statements about their effects and risks, especially in regard to party culture — let us lay some ground rules:

Testing drugs is essential for harm reduction and personal safety. Illicit substances can be adulterated or laced with other substances, which can significantly increase the risk of adverse effects or unexpected reactions. By testing drugs, individuals can identify the presence of potentially harmful substances or variations in potency. Some countries like Switzerland and the Netherlands provide drug-checking services. But basically everywhere testing kits and reagents are available and legal. The most important reagents are Marquis and Mecke. For an even easier solution, there are all-in-one kits from EZ.

Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

Evaluating one’s drug consumption is essential for maintaining a healthy and responsible approach. It’s crucial to regularly reflect on your drug use patterns, considering factors such as frequency, quantity, and impact on your daily life. Engaging in open and honest conversations with trusted friends or family members can provide valuable perspectives and help identify any potential signs of addiction or problems. These discussions create a support network that can notice changes in behavior, mood, or overall well-being, offering early intervention if needed.

Be aware of the effects when combining drugs. A single substance might have a manageable risk, but be deadly combined with a different one. A general rule of thumb is that combining uppers (e.g. Cocaine) with downers (e.g. Benzos) is incredibly demanding for the heart. On the other hand, combining multiple downers (like alcohol with GHB) can potentiate the effects and quickly result in respiratory problems or even death. Tripsit offers a comprehensive table.

Simplified overview of drug combinations


Coincidentally the first on our list is the most socially accepted and has the easiest availability. In most parts of our world Alcohol is completely normalized to the point where people might even look at you strangely if you decline a drink. Please don’t get discouraged by that, because looking rationally at this topic alcohol is actually one of the most harmful substances on this list. This has to do with how it works:

In contrast to most other drugs, it doesn’t work on receptors within your brain but basically poisons your body.

And frankly, there are much more negatives. It can produce some of the worst hangovers, tends to bring out aggressive behavior in people, and is high in calories.

But writing an honest guide also means acknowledging, that a couple of beers or some glasses of wine help people a lot of people in becoming more social — and that's fine! Just take your time to reflect on it, so you don’t end up relying on it when going out.


  • Once in a while skip it. Switch to soft drinks or alcohol-free beer and see how you interact with your environment in a sober state.
  • Try not to binge drink it, keep it under 1 drink per hour and ideally abstain from hard liquor, especially if other drugs are involved
  • Drink lots of water in between and have some Electrolytes on hand to prevent a hangover


Being one of the best-known substances, most clinically tested and regularly prescribed (e.g. for ADHD) Amphetimes (called Speed) sound like a safe substance to take. Ironically the product that hits the street is usually heavily cut like no other substance on this list. Studies have shown, that the degree of pure product ranges from 5% to 90% in bought samples.

Photo by Mishal Ibrahim on Unsplash

Not only are the cutting agents themself harmful, but not knowing the true purity makes dosing incredibly hard, especially since dosages between 5mg and 30mg of the pure product are already enough for a strong effect.

Recently there have been reports that Amphetamines have been cut with Meth, which makes testing on this substance all the more important!


  • Do an acetone wash to wash out any cutting agents
  • Consume orally with empty capsules or mix it in your drink
  • Stop taking it at least 4 hours before you actually want to go to bed


The substance probably by most people overlooked is still an effective stimulant and should be treated as such. While the risk of someone ingesting grams of caffeine into their body and overdosing from it is pretty slim, the (dis-)synergies with other substances are what’s important here! Drinking a few energy drinks or colas during the night, especially combined with stimulants (Amphetamines, Cocaine, etc.) will put additional stress on your heart.

Half-Life of Caffeine | Source

The FDA strongly advises keeping the consumption under 400mg/day (e.g. 5 cans of Red Bull). On average the half-life is 3–5 hours so even if you can’t strongly feel the effects taking another dose too early can induce nervousness and jitters.


  • Go for caffeine-free alternatives like juices and soft drinks especially when using Stimulants
  • Stick to a can of Energy Drink (250ml) or equivalent every 2–2.5 hrs with 5 drinks max
  • Caffeine causes mild dehydration, so drink something hydrating in between


A pretty dividing substance. Some claim “it’s just a plant and you can’t get addicted to it” (which is bullshit), others that it is incredibly dangerous and should remain illegal (which is also oversimplified). Some can take it when out partying, for others it is counterproductive because it makes them lazy and socially anxious.

You should really see for yourself what type of person you are and objectively assess if it suits you. Also, different strains have different effects (Sativa vs. Indica vs. terpenes). What can be said however is that it potentiates the effect of psychedelics (LSD, Mushrooms, 2CB) and therefore it is advisable to be careful when mixing them. It also counteracts stimulants (Amphetamines, Coke, MDMA) as it is a downer. Mixing uppers and downers puts a heavy load on your body and especially your heart. It is advisable not to do that.


  • Use a trusted source, ideally, someone who grows themself
  • Try the strain beforehand and make sure you know how it affects you
  • If you mix it with alcohol: First smoke, then drink. Not the other way around!


Once you enter adulthood you will be shocked at how many people around you do or have done coke. Your boss, the waiter, the cleaning lady… There is a high chance they’ve dabbled in it. Especially in Europe, the popularity skyrocketed within the last 10 years, to the point where in all major cities there are Coke-Taxis and delivery services. Unfortunately, that comes with organized crimes. The duration of the drug is short (30 min), it triggers people to become greedy and do more, and it is incredibly profitable. To the point where the supply chain is extremely violent, causes many people to die, and puts countries like the Netherlands or Belgium on the brink of being a Narcostate. Cocaine is probably the widest-used illegal hard drug with the biggest negative impact on society.

Another point many people don’t know is that combining Coke with Alcohol forms a different drug in your system: Cocaethylene. Which is incredibly bad for your heart and significantly increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately, this combination is extremely common.


  • Don’t use it with alcohol and especially not with Viagra or Cialis. This is a recipe for a heart attack
  • Do an acetone wash

Crystal Meth

Even though I would be careful comparing Meth and Speed (Amphetamine) because Crystal is far more dangerous think about this analogy:

If you drink a beer or two each day, that’s not healthy and while stopping might be difficult and requires changing your habits the whole story turns much harder if it's one or two bottles of vodka instead of beer.


  • Fast-acting methods of applications (like snorting and smoking compared to oral consumption) increase the risk of getting addicted exponentially
  • Just stay away from this one!


Largely known as a medication for treating anxiety disorders under various brand names like Xanax, Valium, or Clonazepam this drug isn’t as harmless as the pharmacy label can make you believe. In fact, Benzos can cause some of the most severe (physical) withdrawals by some described as even worse than Heroin. Rapidly stopping with an addiction and a high tolerance can cause seizures which can be lethal.

Photo by danilo.alvesd on Unsplash

Because this drug reduces anxiety the abuse of it will make a lot of users misjudge their behavior. Some even report feeling completely emotionless, which also means abstinence from (especially in a party setting) desirable ones like empathy, compassion towards others, and frankness. One should really question themselves if one wants to go out into a social setting killing those attributes. On the other hand, a low dose can for sure be helpful for someone who is introverted and struggles to interact with strangers — just don’t make a habit out of it and work on overcoming those fears without drugs in the long run!


  • Don’t mix with alcohol. You’ll risk a blackout and/or completely embarrassing yourself
  • If you are addicted please seek professional help from a doctor and don’t just stop cold turkey
  • Keep doses low for party settings: Xanax or Clonazepam 0.25–0.5mg | Valium 2–5mg


Horse tranquilizer … This is a double-edged sword. It can pose a sedative, buoyant feeling, comparable to walking on a cloud (or a mild alcohol high) — or it can completely knock you out and put you into a coma: the K-Hole.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

One state is beneficial in a club setting, the other is completely undesirable. Hence, there are some people who strongly despise it as a club drug. Luckily the coma state is different than with GBL because there is no risk of dying (unless combined with lots of alcohol) from a K-Hole. Still, it is a very uncomfortable feeling for those around you at a party to see someone lying motionless on a couch. If you can’t dose properly keep it out of the club!


  • Don’t do Keybumps!
  • Prepare single doses in small capsules beforehand so you don’t miscalculate
  • Don’t mix with (large amounts of) alcohol — this can be lethal!


Albert Hoffmanns miracle discovery is definitely less prominent in the club environment than most other substances on this list and there is a reason for that. Most people find strong psychedelics like LSD very demanding and tend to utilize it in a quiet (and more spiritual) setting. The exceptions are festivals where especially within the Goa and Psytrance community they are very popular. There the logistics are properly set up with quiet areas, psy-care points, and meditation courses. Additionally, LSD is a very long-lasting drug (6–15 hrs) which can be too long for a “normal” club night.

Photo by Pretty Drugthings on Unsplash

Micro/Macrodosing might help and bring some beneficial aspects like increased mood and reduced tiredness without any visual effects or hallucinations. Smoking cannabis can then be used to enhance the effects and if wished bring them into a more psychedelic spectrum. This however should be done carefully and only by people who already know the effects certain doses have on them. The effect than can be similar to 2-CB (lower down in this article).


  • Unless you know precisely what you are doing and are very experienced: only use micro/macro doses for a party. Somewhere between 25–75 μg
  • Always have some Diazepam on hand to stop a trip in case it goes bad


The drug everyone associates with rave and techno culture. The classic designer drug that especially when pressed into Ecstasy pills created a form of symbolism. Blue Punishers, Yellow Mitsubishis, or Orange Teslas just to name a few are for a lot of people a synonym for having an amazing night out. This symbolism is the reason to this date a lot of people prefer pressed tablets over the pure drug MDMA. They think that the pills contain some form of a perfect mixture of different drugs (like MDMA + Speed). However, pill data reveals that nearly all presses that are currently in circulation only contain MDMA.

But presses get popular and different vendors replicate them to jump onto the hype train. The dosages start to vary and you can never be 100% sure what dose is in a pressed pill. This is the reason why it is advisable to buy pure MDMA crystals and take the time to measure the doses out at home and put them into empty capsules. This way you’re sure about what exactly you ingest into your body and the dose of it. Otherwise, you leave that decision to a manufacturer you don’t know and can’t trust.


  • Don’t use pressed pills (aka ecstasy). Use a scale and empty capsules to measure your own dose
  • With pressed pills, never use a whole pill at once! Start with a quarter or a third
  • Calculate with 1.25 x [your weight in kg] = your dose in mg
  • Only use it a couple of times a year. Never more than once a month! Ideally only every 3–4 months
  • Use supplements to prevent neurotoxicity and a hangover

Mephedrone (4-MMC)/Metaphedrone (3-MMC)

Often referred to as M-CAT or meow meow is less talked about in the public, but increased in popularity in recent years and nowadays is an inherent part of the drug repertoire of the scene due to its effects that bridge the ones of MDMA and cocaine. Those are the “classically” desirable ones like euphoria, stimulation, and elevated mood. However, while it is not crazily addictive (still no joke — read some stories on Reddit) it causes extreme cravings during usage. This results in “crackhead” behavior and the wish to constantly have more.

[…]Mephedrone is by far the most compulsive drug I’ve ever used. […] I ordered half an ounce of Mephedrone intending to stock up on it. I went through the entire thing nonstop until the bag was empty. I would willingly stay up all night redosing […] — User Comment from Reddit

And by the way, if you are asking yourself how the nicknames came about. It is very common, that the drug makes the sweat smell like cat piss, so be aware of that!


  • Only buy small amounts to avoid big binges
  • Use orally because that way it does have nearly no compulsive redosing effect
  • Have some deodorant on hand


This is a tough one. For a lot of party people cigarettes are just a part of going out. Looking for a lighter and socializing, sharing a smoke with your new-found fling, or just taking a break. While nicotine is dangerous (especially on the vascular system combined with other drugs) and highly addictive, the focus is less on the effect making it together with caffeine the most subtle drug on this list. Let's say how it is: For most people, smoking is a vibe!

Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

But since it is highly addictive — by some even claimed that it is the most addictive drug — a lot of people start off as casual party smokers but become regular ones. I myself experienced it often with my friends. And being a regular smoker brings on a whole lot of health implications I don’t want to go into now. And unfortunately, even though products like vapes or IQOS are far better than normal cigarettes they are at least as addictive.



Depending on your location Nitrous might be more or less prominent. In the UK and the Netherlands, for example, you can find people selling balloons filled with laughing gas in front of, or even in the club. In contrast to popular belief, Nitrous is one of the only inhalants that is generally considered pretty safe and not comparable to e.g. dusters (please stay away from those). However, it doesn’t have the nickname Hippie Crack for no reason. Due to the short effect of only 1–2 minutes, in which it completely catapults you out of your mind, the urge to redose is strong! It is important to keep those down and give your body appropriate breaks to recharge on oxygen.


  • Never inhale it directly from the canister! Use a balloon or similar
  • Moderate your dosage and take breaks of at least a few (min, 5–10) minutes between balloons
  • Take some Vitamine B12 supplements


In terms of set, setting, and risks everything that applies to LSD also applies to Magic Mushrooms. However, as they are a product of nature the content of the active ingredient (Psylocibin) might be inconsistent compared to Acid which is produced in a laboratory environment. Combined with the slightly different mode of action Mushrooms might not be a good drug for (indoor) clubbing and you might be better of with LSD or 2-CB if a psychedelic is desired.

LSD is like being the pilot to a rocket ship where as mushrooms is like being strapped to that rocket ship with no control over speed/time of takeoff


  • Same as with LSD, just use this dosage calculator to determine your Micro/Macro dose
  • Grind them up and flush them down with a drink (non-alcoholic) to don’t be disturbed by the taste. There is no point in chewing on them.


In the party scene, they are more prominent in an after-hour setting. Most other drugs on this list cause some kind of hangover and Opioids can be used to cure them. They are very strong pain medications and sedatives. Instead of struggling to sleep after using some stimulants like MDMA or Mephedrone and dealing with the resulting bad mood and depression the next day it seems so tempting to utilize those tools. However, this can quickly lead to dependency!

Photo by Roberto Sorin on Unsplash

While most people associate this category with the most prominent one — Heroine — it is much broader than that. Codeine, Tillidin, Oxycodone, or Fentanyl are all pharmaceuticals that flooded the market and are similarly or more addictive, but often without the Heroine stigma. Pills, especially in a legit pharmaceutical package look more harmless and are for a lot of people more tangible than some sketchy brown powder. There is also a big push by drug cartels because opioids are highly addictive with great profit margins, especially synthetic ones like fentanyl. Unfortunately, those are also the strongest and therefore the deadliest.


  • Use proper vitamin supplementation to reduce hangovers induced by other drugs in a natural way
  • Utilize fentanyl test stripes
  • Medication falling into the opioid category is as addicting as the street version. Even when prescribed be aware of physical and psychological dependencies


A spike in usage during the last few years started a major discussion about this drug in Europe as it is majorly threatening the club environment. Shortly called “G” it is notorious to make people lose inhibition. “G” is notorious for its association with drug-facilitated sexual assaults via spiking someone's drink. It can cause significant sedation, memory loss, and impaired judgment, making individuals vulnerable to exploitation and sexual assault.

But even when taken willingly there are significant risks. It needs to be dosed very carefully. A milliliter more can be the difference between being unconscious and dying. This is why often syringes are used. But especially in a dark club the handling is very difficult. Additionally, users tend to re-dose quicker than necessary leading to an overdose which results in them passing out. This is a huge burden for the awareness team and club personnel as those people require intensive care, maybe even an ambulance.

Photo by Jonnica Hill on Unsplash

BUT even if the doses are correct and the drug is taken on purpose. Due to the combination of lower inhibitions with an increased sexual desire (users become horny af) the behavior toward other guests can be problematic. It is difficult to describe, but sometimes you can literally feel how a G-user is on the hunt for their satisfaction. They become very self-centered in an environment that should be safe for everyone and that is about unity and cohesion.

A great documentary — unfortunately only in German but automatic subtitles are available


  • Only dose yourself. Never trust someone to prepare a dose for you. This would be like trusting someone with your life. Always use an accurate measuring tool.
  • Set a timer or call yourself, s.t. you know when you’ve taken your last dose and don’t accidentally take too much too soon. Ideally don’t dose often.
  • If you see someone going into a coma call an ambulance! Don’t be afraid and don’t think you can combat it by giving them other drugs. This costs lives!
  • Never advertise this drug as “ideal” to someone else!


This one was overslept for a long time but recently gained a bit of traction and “fame”. Unfortunately for the very wrong reasons. Tussi aka pink Cocaine, which previously was only known in South America is spreading and nowadays also common in places like Ibiza. However, Tussi is only a mixture of a plethora of other drugs like Ketamine, Diazepam, and sometimes even Meth. Often not even containing the real 2-CB originally synthesized by Alexander Shulgin. That one is far less dangerous and poses different effects as it is a psychedelic compared to Tussi which is a stimulant.

Source: Vice mini-documentary on Tussi

Alexander Shulgin mentioned that 2-CB is one of his favorite substances (given he is the godfather of MDMA) and describes the effect in the following way in his Book Pihkal:

“(with 20 mg) The room was cool, and for the first hour I felt cold and chilled. That was the only mildly unpleasant part. We had been hanging crystals earlier that day, and the visions I had were dominated by prismatic light patterns. It was almost as if I became the light. I saw kaleidoscopic forms — similar to, but less intense than, when on acid — and organic forms like Georgia O’Keefe flowers, blossoming and undulating. My body was flooded with orgasms — practically from just breathing. The lovemaking was phenomenal, passionate, ecstatic, lyric, animal, loving, tender, sublime. The music was voluptuous, almost three-dimensional. Sometimes the sound seemed distorted to me, underwater like. This was especially so for the less good recordings — but I could choose to concentrate on the beauty of the music or the inadequacy of the sound’s quality, and mostly chose to concentrate on the beauty.”


  • Only have a light meal or snack before using (1–2 hours before). Nothing too fat or with too much sugar. You can use some ginger to ease the stomach discomfort
  • Don’t snort it! Users describe it as one of the most painful substances to snort. Even if it takes longer, taking it orally is the better way.
  • Most pills sold are 10–15mg and not their advertised strength. In comparison to XTC, there aren’t that many presses going around so checking online beforehand gives you a good estimate.
  • Dose in the following way: light: 10mg | moderate: 15–25mg | strong: 25+ mg

Great further resources:

Talk to Frank | Eve&Rave Drug Checking | Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Stay safe and keep an eye on the people around you!




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