Cosmetics for a Rave — My Top 5

Each scene has its own quirks! When thinking about Raves a stronger sense of community and care for each other is a major distinction to regular parties. What might apply to mainstream clubs doesn’t necessarily translate to this environment.

7 min readAug 18, 2023


Since I work at a cosmetics company it came to my mind that it might be nice to combine my daytime job and my nighttime passion into one article. The products presented focus less on visual appearance (e.g. make-up) and more on personal well-being and self-care. Overall, if you feel comfortable in your own skin, this effect will radiate toward others and help you to easier form new relationships during the dance!


The smell can make an impression before others can even see you. So imagine the first thought about you when you literally stink… In the vibrant atmosphere of a rave, where music and dancing ignite the senses, the importance of perfume and smelling good cannot be underestimated. Obviously, this can’t compensate for basic hygiene, so taking a shower before heading out is still a must!

However, if you look into YouTube videos or other guides club scents that are recommended are nearly always those sweet and massively projecting bombs (e.g. Versace Eros, Victor & Rolf Spicebomb). But let me tell you: this is the wrong approach for a rave!

Escentric Molecules have been one of the first brands to bring out “Non-smelling” fragrances | Source

Delightful and alluring scents have the power to leave a lasting impression on others. But having those massive attention seekers, especially in an environment that is somewhat dirty and naughty, is in contrast to what you should be going for. Focus on smelling pleasant but in a subtle way. Your scent shouldn’t disturb anyone and only be noticeable in very close encounters. Everything else quickly seems like you’re trying to impress others, which at a Techno party is the totally wrong attitude.

Now to some recommendations. Stick to perfumes that just smell clean. Something that seems effortless. Soapy, like coming out of the shower. Another great approach are molecule scents. The concept is hard to explain. But those don’t really have a smell by themselves. However, as soon as other people smell them they perceive them as really nice, without being able to pinpoint what it reminds them of. If you go to open airs feel free to go more playful and fruity. Colognes that smell like fresh fruit (e.g. oranges, figs, grapefruit) work great. But be careful. Don’t overdo it, make sure that it suits the atmosphere of the environment and play it cool.

Amazon: Escentric Molecule | Zarkoperfume Molecule |Acqua di Parma


Sunscreen is a vital guardian of skin health, and an absolute must against harmful UV rays. Those are both invigorating and hazardous, whereas sunscreen stands as a potent shield, protecting our skin from potential damage caused by prolonged exposure. This makes it an obvious necessity for open-air’s and festivals. Adding additional skin pain and itching to your already moody state or hangover after the rave is completely unnecessary. And please don’t be the person running around with a red face or neck on the outdoor dancefloor. This privilege is only reserved for middle-aged Brits with a dad bod that tries to deal with their midlife crisis by going to Ibiza.

Image of a truck driver: one side was exposed to the sun, the other wasn’t | Source

However, that’s not all! Sun rays are also one of the top reasons for aging, and protecting against that is a method to look fresh for longer. There is nothing worse than to look like a literal zombie (aka the walking death) when coming out of a bunker after 20+ hours of raving. Daily skincare can really dampen that and proper sunscreen use is an essential part of that. I recommend applying a moisturizer with SPF30 or SPF50 daily in the morning.

So, whether embarking on outdoor dance adventures or simply trying to look your best, remember to embrace the protective attributes of sunscreen, ensuring that our skin remains healthy, luminous, and shielded under the sun’s gaze.

Amazon: Kiehls | Caudalie

Body Lotion & Lip Balm

Due to the nature of techno parties often being sweaty and raw, most people don’t wear lots of clothes and exposed skin is omnipresent. If it additionally becomes crowded it is nearly impossible to escape skin contact — even if it is only incidental (e.g. walking over the dancefloor). Furthermore, the moisturizing effects of Body Lotion contribute to a healthy, radiant, and vibrant appearance, which we all aspire to have.

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

I hope this doesn’t come off as bragging, but I often received the compliment of having soft skin and noticed how comfortable it made people feel around me. A healthy lifestyle composed of high-quality food, lots of hydration, and, my personal favorite, regular sauna sessions, already go a long way. Additionally, a good Body Lotion helps to support hydrating your skin and acts as a barrier against the friction and heat generated during hours of enthusiastic dancing. This protective layer prevents skin chafing and discomfort, caused by your clothes rubbing while dancing for hours on end. Also, don’t forget to cream your feet, they are the ones suffering the most! Ensuring your skin remains supple and irritation-free results in a carefree experience and making contact with others more pleasant.

But we don’t stop with the body. Another special part of the skin are our lips — they require additional care! Therefore I included a good Lip Balm in this section as an essential carry-on when going out. Lots of things consumed at a rave, be it alcohol or other “supplements”, dehydrate our bodies. This fact especially shows quickly with the lips which become crusty and overall unpleasant. So in addition to drinking enough to rehydrate during the night, look out for a good Lip Balm with ingredients like shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil. Especially if you have or are open to romantic adventures!

Amazon: Neutrogena | Lip Balm


The ultimate post-party pampering partners hold the key to restoring serenity and rejuvenation after a night of dancing. They help you to rescue tired and hungover skin, as well as mentally signaling relaxation. These revitalizing wonders are infused with nourishing ingredients that hydrate, soothe, and replenish the complexion, offering a well-deserved respite from the night’s festivities. Beyond their aesthetic benefits, facemasks provide a moment of tranquility, inviting us to unwind and indulge in a moment of self-care. The gentle application of a cooling mask can work wonders on headaches and puffiness, helping to alleviate the aftermath one ever so often experiences after excess. So, when the dancefloor dust settles and the morning light breaks, embrace the comforting embrace of facemasks and let them work their magic in restoring both your radiant glow and inner harmony.

Amazon: Facemask


Even after COVID, reaching out to someone to give your hand is one of the first impressions you give. Be it an introduction or a spontaneous interaction on the dancefloor. Our hands are a canvas of expression, and when meticulously taken care of, they can leave an indelible mark on those we meet. Therefore proper manicure is your guarantee for a positive outcome. Additionally to the Body lotion, which helps us to hydrate and soften the skin, other essential accessories that ensure beautiful hands are:

  1. A good Nail File for smooth contours
  2. A Pen for dealing with cuticle skin
  3. Base Coat to strengthen your nails and give them a pleasant finish

Amazon: Nail File | Pen | Base Coat

During flirtatious encounters, our hands can convey subtle messages that can result in gentle touches sparking butterflies. Dirty, black fingers with long nails are an immediate turn-off. Take care of your hands and show others that you have attention to detail and a commitment to self-care. This will immediately elevate your confidence, make you feel more approachable, and enhance interactions with others.

Take notes! | Source




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