Together in a Fetish Club: How to Corrupt a Schoolgirl

Published in
8 min readApr 25, 2023

M. nervously looks around. Everything still seems overtly colorful and vibrant. His vision is narrow and he has a hard time lifting his head as it rests on a heavily used, brown leather couch. A strong smell of sweat and cigarettes lingers in the air and in the background, the fast beats from the dancefloor are clearly audible — 150 bpm at least, hard techno. Nightclubs always have this unique smell of Lucky Strike Origins and pheromones, but here it was especially strong. The Mescaline was still present in his system and for him, it felt as if he was sitting on a cloud. Snorting a line on top of that was probably overly enthusiastic and knocked him out for longer than expected. But the party wasn’t a hit anyway. Hence, spending it on this couch melting the brain away and talking meaningless nonsense was even nicer than standing on an overcrowded dancefloor to monotone, brainless tracks. M’s head turns to his right and he finds himself sharing this spot with two other individuals.

Directly next to him is an unexpectedly good-looking girl. His eyes slowly gaze down her body as she’s a very pleasant sight. Long, straight black hair, reaching down to her elbow, perfectly matching her dark eyes, and fine lines that adorn her face and young appearance — early 20s for sure. The dress code of this party merely dictates revealing outfits and as a result, this girl is wearing a beautiful black lingerie set. Her otherwise petite body hosts a great pair of breasts and the few points of skin that touch M. feel incredibly soft. Turning his head further right, M. notices the guy sitting next to her. With light bronze skin, the otherwise dim light reflects on him, which gives him a sense of majesty in this dark atmosphere. Even though he is wearing a dress shirt, all his body and its proportions are visible, as it is only out of see-through silk with a light floral pattern on it. Just as M. laid his eyes on him, wandering from his body to his face, he notices a slight movement, and when he arrives at the face, a pair of dark brown eyes stare at him. They were heavily diluted and leaving only very little of the brown to see — a side effect of all the drugs that made their round today.

All of them, sitting on this couch. It looked like an island of peacefulness. Together they floated, sank back into the upholstery, and escaped the tumult that was happening around them. Surrounded by other sofas that were filled and all those people standing in between them, none of them wanted to leave their safe spot. Slowly M’s hand started to move and explore its surroundings. First, he softly touches the arm of the girl next to him, glides down to her hand, lightly grabs it, and guides it onto her thigh before leaving it there and continuing on his own. He only briefly passes her inner thigh, but this split second is already enough, that he can feel how this petite creature gets light goosebumps. In a teasing way, he leaves her alone with this feeling, reaching over to the guy to repeat a similar motion.

But before the situation could escalate any further, their togetherness gets disturbed by a tall girl with light blonde hair that walks straight up to M, puts her hands on his shoulders, gives him a short kiss, and demonstratively places herself on his lap. Suddenly the calm energy he previously shared with his acquaintances got disturbed. Her already short dress was lifted up during this process and flashed her cheeks to everyone paying attention. At only 18 years her skin was as soft and tight as it gets. The revealing clothes she decided to wear emphasized her thin appearance. Perky little breasts and a flat stomach, with hints of abs showing, made her look somewhere in between a Paris fashion week model and a borderline heroin junky. Her face leaned towards the latter, but without portraying it in a negative way. It was more intriguing and her imperfections gave her an unusual beauty.

Fear not, she was no unknown to M. Quite the opposite actually, but maybe that's also what led her to become too comfortable around him, which at times annoyed him. Especially this evening her character got to him. Because even though they excessively talked about drugs, she decided to take Ecstasy for the very first time and instantly overdid it. As a result, M. had to comfort her for multiple hours, since her friends abandoned her. It was this kind of immature and stubborn behavior that showed her young age, and her situation in life: still in school, still living at home, still expecting that someone is there to constantly look after her — little sense of responsibility. For the previous weeks of their affair, this became increasingly noticeable as her urge to let herself fall and obey M. rose at a speed that worried him.

Out of the corner of his eye, M. noticed two girls sitting, directly facing his couch, that previously talked to one another, but now focused their attention on the four of them. Visibly curious to see how the situation would play out. M, still in his delirious state, decides to not disappoint them. Mischievously he looks one of them in the eyes, grabs S. lightly by her throat, and presses her down such that she now softly lies horizontally on the couch. Her head on the guy’s lap, the torso on the girl’s one, and everything below on M. All seem a bit surprised at first but quietly play into the situation. Overall, only a minority complains if a beautiful creature is laying on them searching for some affection.

Intuitively M. grabs S. by the ankles and slowly massages them. She slightly lifts her head and smiles at him. After a few moments he barely noticeably starts sliding his hands up her legs millimeters at a time. But as minutes pass he reaches her knees and the others notice his motion. Now, instead of focusing on S, his looks are alternating between the girl and boy who are with them on the couch. His eyes strongly focused on their gaze — with a special spark in them.

As he arrives at the very top of S.'s legs he tightens his grip and slides down her inner thigh, lightly striking her Venus Hill with the back of his hand, resulting in S. arching her back and letting out a silent moan. Now leaning over to the girl, he whispers in her ear directing her to caress S.'s breasts and she happily obliges. First, slow and gentle, later, as M. intensifies his rubbing, her pace follows. Then she clasps a nipple between her fingers and starts to squeeze them together. By now S. closed her eyes, fully giving up on controlling the situation. M. notices that and uses the moment of unawareness to reach into his pocket and pull out a small bullet vibrator — after all this was a sexually charged fetish party and he came well prepared.

As soon as he laid his hands back onto S, holding his little surprise, she opened her eyes, noticing the foreign object in M’s hand. She knew exactly what was about to happen and whispered “No M, you can’t do that”, but her erotic undertone only made it all the more appealing to him. Lifting his chin he now faced the opposite sofa, where the two girls he previously noticed, blatantly stared at everything that was happening only centimeters away from them. Then, he pressed the button to turn on the toy.

In this loud environment, the buzzing sound wasn’t noticeable at all, but S.’s immediate reaction instantly showed what was happening. Like an electric shock, her body reacted to the vibrations and her back arched even further pushing her head into the legs of the guy she was laying on. Now holding even tighter onto him. He on the other hand was visibly confused and indifferent about what to make out of this, so M. sought his eye contact and calmly, yet confidently told him to grab S. by the throat and to apply pressure to it. At present all of them formed a unity, completely focused on one another, manifesting their pleasure through S. who was their center of attention and the mean of bringing all of them together.

It was an almost sacrificial event. Everyone in their close proximity realized what was going on and focussed on them, most of all the two girls on the opposite, which had the pleasure to experience everything from the beginning on. Yet, it didn’t affect any of them, they closed off from the noise. Chocking S, playing with her breasts and stimulating her clit. And she happily took everything she could get, enjoying all those hands and the attention they brought. With every second that passed her body reacted heavier and heavier, shaking, shivering, and heating up. By now she was boiling hot and took on a bright red color which shined through the dim club light. With every moan she let out it got more intense, up to the point where she basically was glowing, radiating her intense pleasure into the environment. The pure energy that was released resulted in her lifting from the people beneath. M. was fascinated. His mistress was rising up to the ceiling, candescent, and now brighter than all the lights in this room. As she reached halfway toward the ceiling, losing all the hands previously on her, the elevation stopped, but the shine quickly became brighter and brighter. Now everyone looked up at her, but only seconds later the light became so intense, that it wrapped the whole room into white nothingness.

As soon as everyone opened their eyes again, recovering from this flash and trying to comprehend what just happened, S. disappeared. And just like that M. never saw her again. S. was set free, and simultaneously M. as well. He never had a strong emotional attachment to her. And like quitting a drug he was finally relieved. Relieved of the responsibility he felt, relieved of her lifestyle he didn’t want to participate in, and the expectations she posed on him. It was just fun, explorative— living the hedonistic life together. It was an experience, a learning, maybe even a necessary step before he could progress in life and open up to deeper and more serious bonds.

Purely a fictional story! All Images are generated by Midjourney. It’s a great service so check it out.




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